Author name: Gagandeep Singh

Gagandeep Singh is a skillful Digital Marketing Expert with 16 years of experience. Beginning as an SEO expert in 2006, he soon embraced the full scope of digital marketing. Having collaborated with businesses of all sizes, Gagandeep adapts strategies according to industry and size, making him a sought-after professional. He specializes in generating qualified leads for e-commerce businesses, enhancing their digital presence and customer base. Gagandeep's skills go beyond SEO, covering content strategy, social media marketing, and data analytics. Committed to continuous learning, he stays updated with industry trends and technology advancements.

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How Facebook Ads Can Boost Your Ecommerce Business

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  • Facebook, with a staggering 11.2 billion visits and 1.5 billion unique visitors, stands as the third most popular website globally, with an average visit duration of 31 minutes.
  • A noteworthy statistic reveals that 75% of individuals belonging to the high-income bracket actively utilize Facebook.
  • Photos make up approximately 36% of all Facebook page postings.
  • Facebook Shops, a global phenomenon, boasts a count of 250 million across the world.
  • The potential reach of Facebook advertising spans a massive 2.11 billion individuals.
  • As of 2023, Facebook proudly supports a community of over 10 million active advertisers.
  • A significant portion, specifically 34.1%, of adults aged 13 and above from all around the globe encounter Facebook advertisements.
  • Among the American population aged 13 and above, an impressive 63.7% are exposed to Facebook ads.
  • On average, Facebook charges a reasonable $0.97 per click.

Advertising on Facebook remains a viable option despite the emergence of new social media platforms like TikTok and other social media platforms. Knowing how to advertise effectively on Facebook continues to be an essential skill for most marketers.

Presently, Facebook ads have the potential to reach a staggering 2.17 billion people, approximately 30% of the global population. Moreover, the platformโ€™s active user base continues to grow, and according to SocialPilot, ad revenue as of Q3 2022 will be $82,387 million.

While these numbers are impressive, the true power of Facebook lies in targeting your message toward the specific segment of users who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.

By considering factors such as demographics, location, interests, and other profile information, Facebook ads can be tailored to reach your target audience effectively. Businesses can allocate an ad budget and bid for each click or a thousand impressions the ad receives.

Like Instagram, Facebook ads appear in various app sections, including usersโ€™ feeds, Stories, Messenger, Marketplace, and more. Although they resemble regular posts, they are always labelled as โ€œsponsoredโ€ to indicate their status as advertisements. Facebook ads offer more features than regular posts, such as call-to-action buttons, links, and product catalogues.

Incorporating ads into your overall Facebook marketing strategy is highly recommended to expand your brandโ€™s reach and engage with more users.

Facebook offers a range of ad types and formats to cater to different campaign goals. These include.

  • Image ads
  • Video ads
  • Carousel ads
  • Instant Experience ads
  • Collection ads
  • Lead ads
  • Slideshow ads
  • Stories ads
  • Messenger ads

The diverse ad formats allow you to choose the most suitable type that aligns with your specific business objectives. Each ad format provides different call-to-action (CTA) options to guide users toward the desired actions.

By leveraging the various Facebook ad formats, you can effectively promote your business and drive results based on your campaign goals.

Image ads serve as a fundamental ad format, consisting of a single image. They can be utilized across various ad types, placements, and aspect ratios.

Creating image ads is straightforward, and you can effectively showcase your product or service with high-quality photos. This ad format is versatile and suitable for different stages of your marketing funnel, whether enhancing brand awareness or driving conversions through promotional offers.

While image ads are a versatile choice, they can be limiting as they rely on a single image to convey your message. If you need to demonstrate product functionality or showcase multiple products, the single image format may not be optimal.

Best practices for image ads:

  • Pay attention to aspect ratios to ensure your content is not distorted or cut off.
  • Put effort into creating visually appealing images that stand out on Facebook.
  • Keep your message concise by using only the necessary text.
  • Learn more about image ad specifications.

Video ads utilize a single video to promote a product or service. Video advertising generates high audience engagement; even small companies can create simple videos to entertain and connect with their audience.

The only drawback of video ads is that they require more time to produce. An image or carousel ad might be more efficient if you have a straightforward message.

Best practices for video ads:

  • Keep your videos short (Facebook suggests less than 15 seconds).
  • Start with a captivating opening to engage your audience.
  • Read our comprehensive guide to effective video ads on Facebook.

These are the newest ads from Facebook and offer an interactive and distinct experience to users. Playable ads provide the users with a sneak peek or an interactive preview before they download an app. As a result, one can find higher-intent users for your app with this try-before-you-buy experience.

Slideshow ads feature 3 to 10 images or a single video presented as a slideshow. These ads are similar to video ads but consume significantly less data, making them suitable for markets with limited internet connectivity.

Slideshow ads provide an opportunity to capture readersโ€™ attention through motion and sound, delivering the effectiveness of video ads even to those with no video-making experience.

Best practices for slideshow ads:

  • Use high-quality images and videos to make a strong impact.
  • Incorporate appropriate music (with the necessary rights).
  • Target areas with slow internet connections by utilising slideshow versions of your best-performing video ads.
  • Slideshows share the same specifications as video ads.

Stories ads offer full-screen immersive experiences between the Stories users view on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, or WhatsApp. These ads can include videos, images, or carousels.

Stories ads provide more creative freedom than traditional video or image ads, allowing you to experiment with video effects, emojis, and augmented reality to leave a lasting impression on viewers.

While the Stories format is excellent for showcasing your brand, itโ€™s important to note that Stories are not displayed in Facebook feeds, meaning they are not a one-size-fits-all solution for advertisers. Creating media for Stories may require specific formatting, resulting in additional work.

Best practices for Stories ads:

  • Maintain a quick pace in your Stories, frequently switching between different images and videos.
  • Utilise tools like motion and augmented reality to enhance the viewing experience.
  • Optimise your images and videos for a full-screen display.
  • Learn more about Story ad specifications.

Instant Experience ads (previously known as Canvas Ads) are interactive ads exclusive to mobile devices, enabling users to engage with your content directly on Facebook.

With Instant Experience ads, your target audience can swipe through image carousels, tilt their screens, and use touch gestures to zoom in or out, offering a unique and immersive experience. Additionally, these ads load ten times faster than standard mobile web applications.

Instant Experience ads are a powerful tool, but they may require more time and effort, particularly for newcomers to Facebook advertising. If you prefer a more straightforward approach, sticking to basic ad formats might be more suitable.

Best practices for Instant Experience ads:

  • According to Facebook, it is recommended to include five to seven components (such as images, videos, etc.) in your ad as they tend to generate higher engagement.
  • Save time by utilising pre-made templates.
  • Emphasise your central theme repeatedly throughout the ad.
  • Learn more about Instant Experience ad specifications.

Carousel ads allow readers to navigate through multiple images or videos, each accompanied by its headline, link, or description.

Carousels are ideal for introducing readers to a wide range of your products, as each image within the carousel can direct users to a landing page specifically tailored to that product.

The carousel format can also effectively convey a story or explain a process by segmenting each section across different parts of the carousel.

Best practices for carousel ads:

  • Create unique headlines, calls-to-action (CTAs), and descriptions for each carousel section.
  • Link to multiple landing pages to provide a personalised experience.
  • Learn more about carousel ad specifications. Show the top-performing images or videos first to hook your audience.
  • Link to multiple landing pages to enhance the level of personalization for users.
  • Gain further insights on carousel ad specifications.

A Collection ad offers a mobile window-shopping experience where readers can effortlessly browse your product lineup with a single tap. Collection ads can be seen as a more sophisticated version of carousel ads, as both display your product offerings. Still, Collection ads provide greater customization options and occupy the entire screen.

Collection ads are particularly suitable for extensive online stores, while companies that offer a limited range of products or services may find other alternatives more advantageous.

Effective strategies for Collection ads:

  • Allow Facebook algorithms to determine which products from your catalogue should be displayed to each specific user.
  • Ensure your catalogue contains a diverse range of products, providing Facebook with ample options for selection.
  • Choose a captivating image that grabs peopleโ€™s attention and entices them to click on the ad.
  • Familiarise yourself with the specifications specific to Collection ads.

Before starting work on ads on Facebook, it is important to know what the Ads Manager is. This tool is your starting point for running ads on Facebook along with Messenger or Audience Network and even Instagram. The all-in-one Ads Manager is a great tool for creating ads, managing them, and tracking how your campaigns perform. You can get the app for iOS and Android and have the power to create and edit ads, track their performance, and manage ad budgets and schedules.

The brand-new advertising platform is designed to help you achieve your business goals effectively. Our comprehensive campaign management features give you full control over your ad creative, copy, and device optimization. Letโ€™s dive into the key features:

Advertising Objectives: Define your advertising objective to align with your business goals and track your progress effectively.

Audience Targeting: Fine-tune your target audience to ensure smarter ad targeting. Whether you prefer a broad reach or a well-defined audience, our platform offers the flexibility you need.

Budget Management: Set an overall budget for your campaigns and choose whether it applies to each day or the entire campaign duration. Stay in control of your ad spending effortlessly.

Multi-App Reach: Extend your ads across Facebookโ€™s extensive family of apps and services. Our automatic placements maximise flexibility, allowing our delivery system to optimise your results.

Campaign Optimization: Easily adjust your campaign settings, including budget, audience, placement options, and creative elements. Make edits individually or in bulk, and pause, duplicate, or relaunch campaigns at any time.

Dynamic Creative: Enhance performance with personalised ads through dynamic creative. By combining ad components like images, videos, and text in optimal ways, we deliver engaging content tailored to your audiences.

A/B Testing: Run A/B tests to determine the most effective target audience, delivery optimization, placements, creative, or product sets for your ad campaigns. Make data-driven decisions to optimise your results.

Real-Time Insights: Gain valuable real-time insights into your ad performance with our robust reporting tools. Spot trends over time and identify areas for improvement, such as images, budget allocation, or audience targeting, to enhance campaign performance.

Experience the power of our advertising platform and unleash the potential of your campaigns. Sign up now to take your advertising to new heights!

The most straightforward way to create Facebook ads is through your Facebook Page. Simply click on the Promote button, and you can initiate the process of promoting your brand and products. While not all ads can be created from your Facebook Page, the following types can be generated:

  • Boosted posts
  • Page Likes ads
  • Website Visitors ads
  • Website Purchases ads
  • Automated ads
  • Lead ads
  • Event ads

When advertising on Meta technologies such as Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, or the Meta Audience Network, you have the flexibility to determine your advertising expenditure. Meta aims to maximise the results you receive within the specified budget. Whether you choose to allocate $5 per week or $50,000 per week, itโ€™s entirely up to you.

Please note that certain advanced ad formats may have minimum spending requirements, and you will be notified of these during the creation process.

The concept of cost can be understood in two ways:

Overall expenditure: This refers to the total amount spent on advertising.

Cost per result: This relates to the expense incurred for each achieved outcome.

To manage your overall expenditure, you can control your budget. Likewise, you can regulate the cost per result by defining your bid strategy. If youโ€™re unsure about bidding, we can automatically handle it for you, aiming to evenly distribute your budget throughout your ad campaign. Furthermore, we provide additional measures to ensure that you donโ€™t exceed your desired spending limit:

Campaign spending limit: This allows you to set the maximum amount you are willing to spend on a specific advertising campaign.

Account spending limit: This enables you to establish an upper threshold for your total expenditure across all your campaigns.

In analysing the expenses associated with Facebook Ads, it is important to start by determining the average CPM (Cost Per Mile or cost per 1,000 impressions).

Over the past five years, the average Facebook Ads CPM has fluctuated between $11.2 in 2017 and $14.9 in 2021. These figures represent an average value across various industries and locations.

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was significant volatility in 2020, with the rate dropping by 30% in March, decreasing from $11.5 in February to $8.82 a month later.

When considering the cost of generating specific actions associated with mobile apps, such as in-app purchases, subscriptions, or registrations, app marketers and brands need to consider this a critical factor in their return on investment (ROI) calculations.

The rates for generating actions through Facebook Ads can vary significantly across different industries. Numerous factors influence the rate within a particular business vertical, including competition levels, user engagement with ads representing products and services from diverse industries on Facebook, and, most importantly, the pricing of the products and services being advertised. Consequently, it is not surprising that the Facebook Ad CPA for the Auto industry costs $44 per action, while the Education industry has a significantly lower CPA of only $8.

The cost of advertising on Facebook is not fixed and depends on various factors. These factors include:

Audience targeting: Narrowly targeting your ads to a specific audience usually incurs higher costs than a broader audience.

Ad placement: The costs may vary between ads displayed on Facebook and those shown on Instagram.

Campaign duration: The length of your campaign can impact the overall cost.

Competitiveness of your industry: Certain industries are more competitive in ad space, leading to higher costs, especially for products or shows with higher value.

Time of year: Ad costs can fluctuate during seasons, holidays, or industry-specific events.

Time of day: On average, the cost per click (CPC) tends to be lowest between midnight and 6 am in any time zone.

Location: Average ad costs differ significantly between countries.

To manage Facebook ad costs effectively, selecting the right campaign objective is crucial.

Each objective has its cost-per-click benchmarks. The five primary campaign objectives to choose from are:

  • Conversions
  • Impressions
  • Reach
  • Link clicks
  • Lead generation

The average cost-per-click varies depending on the specific campaign objective. For example, an impressions campaign objective may have an average cost of $1.85 per click, while a conversion campaign goal may have an average price of $0.87 per click.

Choosing the appropriate campaign objective is essential for achieving your goals while controlling costs.

Facebook offers a multitude of advantages for advertisers, including a large user base, data-driven audience segments, and effective ad formats. The average Facebook user interacts with 12 ads every month, and a significant 78% of U.S. consumers have made purchases based on discoveries made on Facebook. To maximize your results, take advantage of the improved reporting features on Facebook.

Make use of reporting figures

While iOS and other privacy updates have caused disruptions in Facebookโ€™s targeting and reporting ecosystem, the platform has been actively working on enhancements and solutions that you should leverage when optimizing your Facebook campaigns.

For instance, reintroducing the 28-day click attribution window is a valuable addition that provides more detailed insights and allows you to analyse your audienceโ€™s demographics within the ad account. Additionally, Facebookโ€™s Conversions API helps address gaps in pixel data caused by the deprecation of third-party cookies.

Be Patient with Ad Sets

When making changes to your Facebook ads, itโ€™s important to note that the algorithmic learning period is reset. Thus, itโ€™s advisable to avoid frequent tweaks or adjustments, especially during the initial stages of a campaign, to allow for effective optimization. This has always been a good practice, and itโ€™s even more crucial in 2023 and connecting with the right audience.

Keep a close eye on the delivery of your ad sets to ensure that your results improve over time. Stick to scaling at a rate of 20% every few days to maintain optimal performance. If you need to scale faster, consider duplicating the ad set to experiment with different strategies.

Use Various Placements & Formats

Take advantage of Facebookโ€™s diverse range of placements and formats to achieve better results. Strike a balance between image, video, and carousel ads to make the most of the high-performing placements available. If youโ€™re involved in e-commerce, consider utilising TikTok-style reel videos, as they can deliver outstanding performance. Be quick to embrace this trend before it becomes oversaturated.

As mentioned earlier, creativity will be crucial in setting yourself apart from competitors in 2023. Focus on creating engaging and unique executions. Take inspiration from popular content styles on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels. For example, include presenters interacting with the public, using trending sounds, and engaging in hashtag challenges. Act decisively to avoid missing out on these opportunities.

Opt for vertical videos

Make an impact within the first 3 seconds by highlighting your key message. Whether itโ€™s a new product, event details, a special offer, or a popular service, ensure itโ€™s showcased at the beginning of your video. To enhance brand recognition, include your logo or company name for a lasting impression.

To achieve the best results, consider the following tips:

  • Keep your ad copy concise, under 300 characters.
  • Place the copy near the centre of the video to fit within safe zones.
  • Add an emoji to the caption for extra appeal.

Give it a Face

Human presence is crucial in your videos as it helps potential customers connect with your business. Donโ€™t hesitate to feature yourself, a team member, a spokesperson, or even your customers to convey the story behind your brand.

Studies have shown that Reel ads featuring people had a 25% higher click-through rate than those without. Interestingly, campaigns with lower production value also achieved higher ad recall compared to campaigns with a higher production value. Therefore, focus less on achieving perfection and prioritise relatability to resonate with your audience.

Discover the ideal budget for your business

Facebook provides recommendations based on ads similar to yours, ensuring that youโ€™re well-informed when deciding how much to spend. Additionally, you have the flexibility to start, stop, or pause your ads at any time, giving you complete control over your advertising strategy.

If you spend time developing a rigid playbook, you confine yourself to proving that you are right rather than exploring, testing, and experimenting with your way towards success. Anyone presenting you with a playbook shares what worked in the past rather than guiding you towards future victories.

Instead of a playbook, what follows is a breakdown of the key elements we, at ATTN Agency, focus on to drive sustainable improvements in Facebook and Instagram ads, enabling us to achieve our clientsโ€™ overarching goals. You can apply these elements to your strategy.

Do Facebook Ads deliver results? Absolutely. You simply need to know which levers to push. Hereโ€™s how you can make Facebook Ads work for your brand in 2023.

Define Your Destination Before You Begin

Every business has unique goals, which will evolve based on the positioning of your business. Last year, many brands focused on acquisition at any cost. In the upcoming year, most brands will prioritise profitability above all else. Some brands concentrate on new customer acquisition, while others emphasise retention and loyalty.

Before delving into your strategy, ensure you know your revenue goal, growth objectives and how they align with channel key performance indicators (KPIs). Once you have this knowledge, you can hold channels accountable to specific targets.

Lead with Creative

The advent of iOS updates disrupted data integrity and our understanding of the customer journey. As a consequence, it eliminated the effectiveness of lazy marketing. Looking ahead, marketers cannot rely on a simple product flat-lay with a text overlay to drive engagement on Meta platforms.

To ensure that prospecting and pre-purchase retargeting ads resonate, brands need to prioritise performance-based storytelling that drives clicks rather than mere views. This doesnโ€™t mean relying solely on user-generated content as the go-to approach. Instead, it involves focusing on the fundamental principles of performance and growth marketing.

โ€œUglyโ€ Ads work

The C-Suite often seeks visually appealing creative assets, assuming that the more aesthetically pleasing an ad appears, the more thought and effort went into it. However, pretty ads do not necessarily yield strong conversions. Pretty ads are designed to showcase the graphic designerโ€™s talent rather than stimulate meaningful conversations or drive conversions.

โ€œUglyโ€ ads, on the other hand, perform better. They are crafted to feel organic, natural, and seamlessly integrated into the platform.

Prioritise Video, but Donโ€™t Overlook Statics

TikTokโ€™s emergence and rapid growth within the advertising landscape have compelled marketers to adopt a video-first advertising strategy. According to Meta, 91% of Instagram users watch Reels weekly.

With that said, maintaining a mix of images in your creative assets is essential since they drive engagement, and traditional feed posts still capture the majority of usersโ€™ attention. Ensure you have a diverse asset mix to cater to different audience preferences.

Learn from the performance of your ads. You can track metrics such as reactions, comments, shares, and clicks with each ad campaign to gauge audience engagement. Utilise these insights to enhance your future ad campaigns and achieve better results.

Focus on the first three seconds

Make an impact within the first 3 seconds by emphasising your key message. Whether itโ€™s a new product, event details, a special offer, or a popular service, ensure that it is prominently featured in the initial moments of your video. Including your logo or company name will make your business more memorable to viewers.

To optimise your outcomes, consider the following recommendations:

  • Keep your ad copy concise, with fewer than 300 characters.
  • Position the copy near the centre of the video to fit within safe zones.
  • Add an emoji in the caption to enhance its appeal.

Add Interest to Videos

Create videos that are entertaining, relatable, and easy to digest. Follow these three tips to keep your audience engaged:

  • Entertain: Pose questions to pique curiosity and encourage viewers to watch until the end.
  • Relate: Offer glimpses behind the scenes, showcasing the day-to-day operations of your business.
  • Digestible: Use clear text and audio to effectively convey your message.

Alongside, remember to:

  • Avoid the risk of presenting stretched-out and poorly displayed ads that fail to showcase your product effectively.
  • Ensure that your gy ads maintain their visual integrity by designing them according to the latest Facebook ad specifications.
  • Craft engaging ad copy to compel your audience.
  • Incorporating social proof, such as customer reviews or photos showcasing real people using your product, can have a remarkable impact on your ads.
  • Facebook advertising can be challenging, especially for newcomers. Donโ€™t worry if you donโ€™t achieve perfect results on your first attempt.

You can also get answers to other doubts and queries here.

Trends may come and go, but some aspects of Facebook will go big in the coming year. These are some of them:


Gender fluidity and the evolution of gender roles, symbols, and language will be prominent. According to Facebookโ€™s survey, nearly half of the respondents believe that traditional gender roles are becoming less relevant. This perspective is particularly strong among Gen Z and Millennials. As a result, there will be a greater emphasis on gender-neutral advertising, particularly in industries like makeup and fashion.

Cultural sensitivity in specific regions is crucial. For instance, discussions on colonialism have seen an 87% increase year-on-year in the UK. Additionally, 42% of respondents state that their nationality, ethnicity, country of origin, or race is now more important to their identity compared to a year ago. Facebook predicts that this upward trend will push major brands to prioritise diversity, inclusion, and respect for peopleโ€™s sensitivities more than ever before.

Celebrating individual identity, including sexuality, race, gender, and other aspects, will be significant. This important trend on Facebook suggests that more brands will openly support activism and collaborate with members of the communities they aim to represent.


Authenticity, sometimes referred to as โ€˜rawthenticity,โ€™ will be valued. This concept entails being true to oneself online, encompassing trends like body positivity that align with this theme. In 2023, the surge in authenticity will drive a shift towards representing โ€˜non-traditionalโ€™ standards in areas such as fashion, beauty, and beyond.

Accessibility and neurodiversity will remain essential trends on Facebook. A significant 69% of respondents express concerns about discrimination based on physical or mental disabilities. It is crucial to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities, such as providing captions for the deaf or hard of hearing. Implementing these accommodations is relatively simple and will enhance the quality of your content.


As the definition of a contemporary brand continues to evolve, people now perceive you as an integral part of the community, whether itโ€™s on a global, local, or digital scale. This offers a unique opportunity to make a meaningful contribution. Nowadays, individuals expect brands to have a clear sense of purpose and to uphold those values in everything they do, from adopting sustainable production practices to embracing inclusive marketing. Furthermore, people are increasingly receptive to brands that help them align their values with their purchasing decisions while ensuring affordability remains intact.


Target exemplifies the power of inclusive marketing and their commitment to the community. Through initiatives such as featuring products created by queer designers and establishing the Take Pride experience within Horizon Worlds, a virtual queer-affirming space, Target showcases how raising brand awareness can seamlessly intertwine with ongoing support and advocacy.

Avoid making assumptions about the effectiveness of your Facebook ads. Itโ€™s crucial to test new strategies and compare them to your previous ads to determine if youโ€™re achieving improvements in the metrics that matter to you the most. As best practices for Facebook ads constantly evolve, testing is the key to staying updated and understanding what works for your specific audience.

Social media marketers often have hectic schedules and never-ending to-do lists. However, there are ways to simplify your workflow. You can find alternatives that enable you to promote social media posts directly from your Hootsuite dashboard. You can seamlessly manage audience targeting, campaign spending, and duration by hiring the best marketing agency.

Streamlining your social marketing workflows and optimising your ad spend is also essential. You can amplify the reach of your most popular organic posts by boosting them to a broader audience. Create ad campaigns, monitor performance, and adjust to enhance your results. Additionally, generate comprehensive analytics reports later to evaluate which campaigns successfully met your goals.

While content marketing and SEO can enhance your websiteโ€™s rankings, neglecting investment in PPC can result in missed opportunities to reach numerous potential customers.

PPC stands as a cornerstone of successful digital marketing strategies for brands today. Furthermore, following a recent update in Google algorithms, paid ads now appear above organic results, providing a greater chance to engage with your target audience. Opting for PPC advertising opens up nearly limitless possibilities and allows you to experience an immediate return on investment while substantially expanding your client base.

content is king image

A Beginnerโ€™s SEO Guide For Successful Content Marketing

While there have been great debates over the efficacy of content marketing for SEO, the crux is that these two disciplines should very well work together to deliver successful results.

Just think about it, in the absence of content, there would be nothing to optimize for the search engines Also write about the user. Every blog post, tweet, product description and meta tag is an example of content.

The content we are talking about here does not imply writing lengthy articles or creating catchy infographics.

Good content is anything that communicates a message to the audience and, in turn, instigates profitable customer action.

Content marketing means creating as well as sharing content to attract prospects and convert them into buyers. The process is ultimately aimed at helping businesses meet their marketing objectives.

This could either be the acquisition of new customers, informing people about your products/services, or increasing loyalty among the existing customers.

Depending upon the goals of your business, different content types can be produced, such as blogs, press releases, user guides, white papers, webinars, podcasts etc.

The essence of successful content marketing lies in engaging customers, promoting interaction and ultimately fostering long term relationships.

Click To Tweet

One of the reasons why novice entrepreneurs avoid allocating time and resources to content marketing is because they are not aware of the benefits it has to offer.

Letโ€™s start with some of the intangible benefits of content marketing

The tangible benefits include:

Now that you have understood the importance of content marketing for SEO, you would probably be wondering โ€˜How can I succeed in my content marketing efforts?โ€™

Hereโ€™s a quick guide that can help you:

Write content for humans, not computers

The first and foremost rule for creating quality content is to write with the intent of reaching your target audience, instead of search engine bots. Though there is no downside to optimising your content for SEO, it should only be done to a certain extent and in a way that does not affect its quality.

If you write informative, unique and interesting content that engages users, it will automatically boost your search engine rankings

Make sure your content is readable, understandable and properly structured. The tone should be interactive throughout so that the readers do not feel fatigued or bored.

Do not stuff keywords in unnecessary places as it may hurt user engagement.

Use bullets and numbers wherever required. Bolden the important facts, statistics and key points. Split long paragraphs into short ones so that the readers can easily skim through the information.

Content needs readers, so choose a topic that interests people

Before you embark on the content creation process, research the type of topics that people are searching for. Identify the audience you want to target through your content marketing strategy.

Determine their age group, gender, location and cultural orientation to create content that is most likely to catch their attention.

Brainstorm different ideas and decide on a content format that best fits your brandโ€™s personality as well as provides the information sought by your target audience.

Include images, videos or graphical presentations so that the content seems interesting to read and drives your point across in a better way.

Promote Your Content Through The Right Channels

Youโ€™ve created an engaging and brilliant piece of content after hours of deliberation.

But what next? Despite all your hard work, the content is not going to work for you if it does not reach the right people at the right time. And social media is the perfect solution for that!

Though there are a lot of social media channels to publish your content, you need to find the ones where most of your prospective customers are present, be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and the like.

Track your contentโ€™s performance throughout the day to figure out the best time to post. Find out at what times users are most likely to read or engage with your content and schedule your posts accordingly.

Regular Analysis Is Important As Well

After you have created and posted the content, it is important to assess if it is improving your businessโ€™ bottom line.

Frequently review the number of page views, time on the page, bounce rate etc. User engagement metrics such as likes, comments, retweets and shares should also be analyzed regularly.

Although your business goals and buyerโ€™s persona may differ, these tips will help you kick-start your content marketing strategy in a positive direction.

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What is White Hat or Ethical SEO and Its Benefits

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White Hat SEO refers to Search Engineโ€™s optimization strategies that are in accordance with the terms and conditions of the major search engines, like Google and Bing

It is also known as Ethical SEO, which is, using only those techniques and strategies that search engines consider to be acceptable.

No doubt, Google algorithm incorporates multiple signals while determining where your web-page ranks for a search term (keyword). 

Knowing the benefits of White Hat SEO that carry the most weight and optimizing accordingly can be the cause of either success or failure of your online business. 

Generally, White Hat SEO refers to all those practices that improve your rankings on a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) while preserving and maintaining the authority and integrity of your website and continuing with the search enginesโ€™ terms of service. 

These strategies stay within the bounds as defined by Google. 

There are no secrets, there is no magic wand that your online business will automatically rank your site first in Google (sorry!), but the good news is that there are strategies and practices outlined that will make it easier for search engines to crawl, index and understand your content.

Strategies of White Hat SEO include:

Strategies of White Hat SEO include:
  • Offering Quality Content

Always offer high-quality content that meets your target audience needs. Use SEO keyword research tools to discover the most relevant keywords that your content should be optimized for. 

Proper use of images and videos will entice the viewersโ€™ attention and help them to understand it easily (better user experience). 

  • Fast Site Loading Times and Mobile-Friendliness

Google is now focusing down on mobile. In other words, the Google index is getting mobile friendly and if you donโ€™t have a mobile-friendly page, then you are likely to suffer with low rankings in the SERPs. 

  • Descriptive, Keyword-Rich Meta Tags

Meta tags are invisible tags that provide data about your page to search engines and website visitors. In short, they make it easier for search engines to determine what your content is about, and thus are vital for SEO.

Some of the meta tags to keep in mind are: Title Tags, Description Tags, Robot.txt Tag, Alt Text, Canonical Tag, Header Tag (H1, H2, H3)

  • Easy Website Navigation

Sites that are easy for users to get around tend to perform better in search results. You really donโ€™t want your visitors to have to think about where they need to go and how to get there. 

Make it easy for your targeted user to navigate. Follow the KISS rule. KISS: Keep ISimple, Sometimes- keep the structure of your navigation simple.

  • Quality Link Building

Links act as a ranking factor and allowed Google to measure the quality of a page based on the number of links pointing to your web-site. 

Building a quality link is so effective because it is based upon the proposal that a link could be built only if your contentโ€™s quality is worth mentioning. Building quality links are necessary for  organic rankings online business in an ethical way.

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Why White Hat SEO Strategies Important?

White Hat SEO strategies are important because failing to follow these strategies or trying to deceive them (which is known as Black Hat SEO, involves using unethical techniques such as hidden text, keyword stuffing, etc) can get your site banned from Google and other search engines.

Google is an unquestionably powerful source of the free traffic to your website or blog, and being banned from Google means, it can result in a drastic drop in website traffic and even business (Donโ€™t take the risk)

Whatโ€™s even worse? Once youโ€™re banned from Google, means maybe a lifetime ban from Google.

Should You Implement White Hat SEO Methods?


Implementing White Hat SEO practices is the best way to create an ethical, sustainably successful website and online business which search engines love and happy to send traffic by showing your website in top results.

No doubt, โ€œwhite hatโ€ techniques can take a lot of time and hard work, but it can guarantee that you are safe against Googleโ€™s Spam team. 

Here are some advantages of using White Hat SEO techniques: 

1. Helps you to adhere to your website in the SERPS:

If you are following the quality guidelines set by the search engines, your website will be cemented in the SERPs for the right reasons. 

You are free from the worries of getting caught or banned.

2. Free from Penalty

Black Hat and grey hat SEO people may give temporary results rapidly, till the time they get caught. Since you are abiding by the Google algorithm as well as its legal rules and regulations, then you donโ€™t have to worry about getting penalized. 

This is what that makes a big difference between Black Hat and White Hat SEO.

3. Adds Value to Your Money

White Hat SEO needs no high-priced and computerized tools to help you with your ranking.

Since White Hat SEO is more focused on the long-term goals, it would take time to see the result. 

You donโ€™t need to spend much, but you need to have to work harder and have more patience while keeping quality in mind. You need to keep your audience in mind while producing content.  MIGHT LIKE ALSO: Facebook Messenger Marketing for Boosting Business Leads

4. Is an Excellent Way to Build Stronger Relationships

By publishing high quality and original content, you can establish yourself as an industry leader in your niche and prove to be worth to your visitors, also you inspire your audience to build a good relationship and that theyโ€™ll keep coming back for more. 

Along the way, you are building a relationship and trust with them and you would go a long way in promoting your long-term relationship.

5. Healthy Website Ranking

White Hat SEO can provide better results which can last longer.  

โ€œSlow and steady wins the raceโ€

Abiding by the policies and rules set by the search engines, white hat SEO is less risky. You will notice that the result may be slower compared to black hat SEO, but you are also aware that it will grow steadily over time.

6. Will NEVER Tarnish your Reputation

With the use of White Hat SEO, your companyโ€™s reputation is safe and sound (believe me). 

Google will notify how diligent you are respecting and following search engine guidelines; thus, will deem your website trustworthy enough.

7. White Hat Strategies Can be Shared

White Hat SEO strategies are transparent strategies that have got nothing to hide and which usually involve page rank improvement, branding, content and link building.

Since you are confident that you are not violating anything โ€“ no matter what โ€“ you can easily share these white hat SEO strategies to all of your employees. This will ensure longevity with your employees as well as clients.

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To wrap it all, 

Building a business is like a bounce back.

โ€œAs you sow so shall you reapโ€

Anything that you do with it will always come back to you. If you opt for doing unethical things, then it will go back hurting you. 

However, if you opt to work hard and follow the guidelines, then all your hard work will repay you and future-proof your online business.

If you really want to stay ahead in the race of the competition, make sure that you employ the White Hat SEO techniques in your website building and implementation.

If you have any queries related to White Hat SEO; we are here, happy to help you. 

Banisoft always works to promote your website ethically. We judge our success by the success enjoyed by our clients, not by our own financial gain.

If you want to work with ethical marketing and promoting agency, feel free to contact us. We would be happy to provide free 30 minutes chat exclusively for your queries.

Thank you for reading.

google ads for business image

How to Create a Google Ads Campaign That Benefits Your Business

How to Create a Google Ads Campaign That Benefits Your Business featured image

Pay-per-Click or PPC is quite easy to understand. A firm looking to promote its products or services chooses a platform where it would like to have its ads published. Every time the ad is clicked, the firm pays the platform hosting the ad a specific fee.

PPC offers businesses an effective way to drive visitors to their websites. It is also an incredible strategy for building oneโ€™s brand awareness.

To most, PPC might seem like the most straightforward digital marketing strategy to implement, but thatโ€™s not true. Creating a successful PPC campaign that generates a high amount of click-throughs is hard to achieve.

In this article, we are going to explore one of the subfields of PPC โ€“ Google Ads.

Google Ads gives business owners the privilege of ranking their ads on the SERPs without investing in search engine optimization. Typically, anyone who wishes to rank on page one of the SERPs for a competitive keyword would have to do a thorough work of optimizing her website and its content for Google. She would also need a high amount of backlinks from authority sites.

Google Ads requires none of these. A user only needs to bid for a top position on the SERP.

According to a study by the folks at Serpwatch, 78% of marketers say they rely on Google Ads to reach their target audience. This goes on to show us how much of a great tool Google Ads is for small businesses.

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Start Your Campaign with Keywords

Search engines work with keywords to determine what a searcherโ€™s query is all about and what sort of content in their databases best matches the query. This is why your ad should contain the right keywords in its title and meta description. One of the differences between an ad that gets lots of clicks and the one that gets little or nothing is related to the keywords.

Regardless of how high your bid is for a top spot on search engine results if your title contains wrong keywords, potential customers wonโ€™t click through to your site.

That said, your ad campaign should start with keyword research. This lets you discover what your target audience is searching for. There are lots of tools that could help you out in your research, some of which are Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs Keyword Explorer.

A Google user looking to purchase affordable sheds types into the search query โ€“ cheap sheds. The results display ads for cheap sheds at the top of the list.

These ads all have a keyword phrase that matches the searcherโ€™s intent, and so Google displays them to her. Thereโ€™s a possibility the searcher would click on one or both of the ads as they both seem relevant to what she is looking for.

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Write a Persuasive Ad

Crafting your titles with the right keywords is great, but what happens when a user clicks to your website and finds a poorly written ad copy? The answer is simple โ€“ she returns to the SERP immediately. To save yourself from losing potential customers, itโ€™s essential to create the most convincing ad there is.

Google ads limit users to:

  • 25 characters for a headline
  • 70 characters of ad text
  • 35 characters for display URL.

This makes it essential for businesses to hire an expert copywriter โ€” an individual whoโ€™ll be able to create something powerful out of a few words. Itโ€™s also important to note that your ad should contain the right keywords in its headline. Potential customers will be on the lookout for the keywords that convinced them to visit your site, and if your copy is about something else, they might leave.

Have an Appealing Landing Page

This is crucial. Your Google Ads must match whatโ€™s on your landing page. Most PPC and Google Ads campaigns fail because users who click on ads get directed to a landing page with entirely different information.

Your landing page should contain the right content and images. Donโ€™t advertise the selling of cute Pugs and have your landing page displaying something entirely different โ€“ the sale of Dobermans, for example.

You donโ€™t only get to lose potential customers when this occurs, but Google would also penalize your ad by demoting it and giving it less exposure.

Choose the Right Location for Your Ads

Not every location will work best for your business. Make sure to have your ads exposed more in an area where your target audience resides.

If you own a local business, you should target potential customers within your area. On the other hand, if your business services an entire country, itโ€™s best to have the ad exposed throughout the country.

Track Your Conversions

One of the goals of implementing PPC or Google Ads in your digital marketing campaign is increasing conversions. Google Ads lets you set up conversion tracking options before your ad goes live. This enables you to monitor the performance of your ads to know if they are working or not.

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Google Ads provides you with a great platform to reach your target audience, raise your brand awareness, and make more sales. If you carefully follow the steps outlined here for creating a profitable Google Ads campaign, youโ€™ll be well on your way to enjoying the many benefits it offers in no time.

only seo checklist you will need image

Complete SEO Checklist to Rank Higher in 2023

SEO Checklist to Rank Higher in 2023 featured image

Who wouldnโ€™t want their business to appear at the top of search results on Google and Bing?

But sitting and planning about the proper SEO approach every day is a waste of time unless you work on the right approach. 

Without a well-planned strategy, a checklist of to-doโ€™s, and missing website loopholes, it would be difficult to even think about ranking your website.

Below are the best-implemented principles the Banisoft SEO team follows to discover the missing loopholes and help fine-tune the SEO strategy.

  1. Start with the SEO Checklist 
  2. Keyword Research Checklist 
  3. On-Page SEO Checklist 
  4. Content Checklist
  5. Technical SEO Checklist
  6. Link Building Checklist 

a. Add Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools on your website

Itโ€™s free and one of the most useful tools from Google, which helps you to monitor, analyze, and find problems within the website.

It is stuffed with quite a good number of beneficial attributes:

    • This tool tracks your siteโ€™s performance within Google, e.g., how Googlebot is crawling your website, how many pages your website has with 404 (not found) errors or if you require to take any manual actions etc.
    • It shows you the exact number of keywords for which your website ranks, CTR (click-through rate), the number of impressions and which position you rank for them in Google.
    • It helps you find all the technical issues holding your website to perform well on search engines.
    • Bing Webmaster Tools, on the flip side, serves as a similar medium specifically for the Bing search engine. 

If you havenโ€™t set these up already, we strongly encourage you to do so for an enhanced experience.

b. Add Google Analytics code on your website

Itโ€™s the most powerful and popular free analytics tool by Google, which helps you to understand how people find and interact with your website and helps you to shape a successful strategy for your business.

Itโ€™s unbeatable attributes are:

  • Find how many visitors come on each page of your website and what they are looking for after arriving on your website.
  • It allows you to create customized reports with a โ€œdrag and dropโ€ interface which helps you to track goals and KPIs (key performance indicators).
  • It tells you your siteโ€™s Bounce rate, time on site, and page views with demographic information like age, gender, location etc.

Link your Google Analytics and Google Search Console Account to seek helpful Console information in your Analytics Account.

c. Add YOAST SEO Plugin (only for WordPress websites)

Itโ€™s the most favored SEO plugin for WordPress, which makes it easy and hassle-free to improve the SEO of your website.

You may use it to add optimized meta titles, meta descriptions, and focus keywords for our posts, pages, and taxonomies (tag, category, etc).

Moreover, this assists you in managing technical SEO aspects, such as robots.txt, making it highly advisable.

d. Build a Sitemap

A sitemap directs search engines to efficiently discover, crawl, and index your websiteโ€™s content. 

It emphasizes the significance of specific pages and files while supplying crucial information.

With WordPress, a sitemap is generated automatically. However, if you arenโ€™t using WordPress, you can easily create one with a sitemap generator tool.

build a sitemap section image

e.Review Manual Actions

Manual Actions result from disregarding Google Webmaster Guidelines, such as structured data problems, unnatural links, etc.

If your site contains manual actions, it might not appear in Google search results.

So, checking for manual actions in the Google Search Console is smart.

review manual actions GSC screenshots

a. Identify Your Competitorsโ€™ Keywords: 

Begin by finding your competitorsโ€™ keywords, as they aim to improve rankings and traffic. If those keywords succeed for others, they can also benefit you.

b. Find Primary Keywords: 

Each blog post or web page needs one primary keyword. Avoid using the same keyword on various pages.

c. Search for Long-tail keywords Variations:

 With Google Suggest, type keywords in Google without pressing the Enter button because different people will search for the same thing differently.

d. Using Google Autocomplete: 

Type your keyword (e.g. SEO checklist), and you will get to know what people are searching for. 

e. Utilize online communities: 

Explore Reddit, Quora, forums, and similar platforms to discover valuable keywords.

You can read a step-by-step guide demonstrating how to uncover unused keywords in these online communities.

f. Google Keyword Planner: 

Google keyword planner is Googleโ€™s formal keyword research tool. Designed technically for Google ads, it is still a superb help for SEO keyword research.

You have to enter your competitorโ€™s keyword or website URL and explore the recommendations the tool sprinkles out.

g. Know Your Keyword Difficulty: 

Keyword Difficulty indicates the challenge of ranking in Googleโ€™s top results for a specific keyword. A higher percentage means more incredible difficulty.

Therefore, when selecting your target keywords, know their difficulty level.

keyword difficulty measurement

h. Keyword Optimization: 

With a handful of keywords, itโ€™s time to optimize your content. If the keyword is placed in the first hundred words, at the top of the page, or the start of your title tag, Google puts more weight.

i. Find โ€œQuestion Keywordsโ€ with ATP: 

A great blog starts with a thought-provoking question. Please explore the most searched questions on ATP (Answer The Public), and donโ€™t forget to answer them in your content.

Always go for the low-competition keywords that Google can easily rank.

j. Understand Search Intent: 

Search intent is the โ€œwhyโ€ of the search. Why did the viewer do this search? Do they want to โ€œpurchaseโ€ something or โ€œlearnโ€ something?

a. Short URLs with the Target Keyword

Short URLs help people understand what the Page is all about. So, keep it short with a 75 โ€“ 100-character limit. Also, the URL should have the targeted keyword. 

This URL length may affect web page optimization because it helps with the successful processing of pages by search engine bots. 

If my target keyword for this very Page is โ€œSEO checklistโ€.

Try to place the target keyword first in the Title Tag like โ€œSEO Checklist 2020โ€.   

Be sure to prevent the following:

โ€“ Repeating title tags

โ€“ Lengthy title tags (keep under about 60 characters)

โ€“ Absent title tags

b. โ€œSprinkleโ€ the Target or Primary Keyword in the First 100 Words

Google scrutinizes the Page very well, but it puts more weight on the First 100 words. Try placing your keyword at least ONCE in the first 100 to 150 words.

It would be best to sprinkle the keywords throughout your content wherever they make sense. Just donโ€™t exaggerate the keywords where they donโ€™t belongโ€”make it a point to make the readability of your content always the priority.

target Primary Keyword in the First 100 Words section image

Simple Ways to Exponentially Grow the Website Traffic

c. Place your Keyword on One H1 Tag on your Page

The H1 tag is the largest and one of the most important tags on a web page. It may not directly impact SEO, but it helps to improve user experience, which helps to get higher rankings in search engines. 

The two most crucial reasons for including the keyword right here are:

Scannability โ€“ Keeping your keyword in the H1 encourages the visitor that they are in the right place. Further, it shows that your content complements the search well; they possibly Googled before coming to your page.

Link framing โ€“ It increases the chances of getting links to your page using the title. Incorporating your keyword in the H1 will further increase your likelihood of receiving links.

d. Optimize Images 

Image optimization is essential because it improves the webpage speed, enhances user experience, and helps to rank well in SEO. Well, optimize image high rank in Google image searches.

Although Google is good at scrutinizing images, they are important because they speak a lot about the content.  

You need to optimize images with proper titles and alt text, which helps the search engine and user understand the vision. Try to keep the size of the image below 100 KB. 

Use different Alternate text to help Google acknowledge the image entirely.

e. Use LSI keywords and synonyms 

Google is getting smarter day by day. It doesnโ€™t permit you to pack your blog with keywords anymore. 

Using the same keyword 1000 times doesnโ€™t make sense; alternatively, use Synonyms and LSI Keywords. helps optimize the on-page content for a specified search query by ensuring that other naturally occurring words are also found around that specific search query.z

Letโ€™s see an example if you want a Keyword for the โ€œSEO Checklist.โ€

LSI keywords and synonyms image

f. Use External links 

Also known as outbound links, add good authority sites in your article worth reading if you want to have an authority website.

They are links that take visitors to another website across the internet when clicked on.

The two types of external links are dofollow and nofollow.  

A good idea about โ€œHow to Launch a Successful Websiteโ€, examples of external links are โ€œ and godaddy.comโ€

g. Use Internal Links

Internal links point to the other web pages of your website and give search engines an idea of the structure of your website. It also helps Google find and index all your web pages.

By implementing it properly, you may get an SEO boost by internally sending page authority to essential pages, increasing the Page on time of a visitor and reducing the bounce rate. 

Remember to link 2-5 other website pages in your new blog. 

internal links explanation image

h. Meta Title and Meta Description

The meta title is a crucial HTML element for users and search engines, which tells what they will get by visiting a web page.

A well-written title tag increases your click-through rate (CTR), sending more traffic because itโ€™s the first thing a targeted visitor will notice when searching on Google. It also helps to leverage brands.  

Like the Title Tag, the target keyword must be placed in the meta description tag. We suggest thinking of meta description less from an SEO point of view but from click thoughts. 

Meta Description has to be written for each Page with less than 160 characters, including spaces. The content must be helpful for the user, summarize web page content, and may contain the target keyword.

Top social media networks use descriptions when you share them.

i. Review Your Websiteโ€™s Current Content

A content audit involves reviewing your content to uncover ways to enhance it.

Conducting an audit is crucial for understanding how to boost your websiteโ€™s SEO performance. Use tools like Google Analytics to evaluate your content.

j. Fix Orphan Pages

An orphan page has no internal links directing to it. 

These pages offer minimal value since search engines can only locate them through the sitemap file or backlinks.

Therefore, every page on your website should be linked to at least one other page.

a. Divide your Content into Chunks

Nobody likes to read giant pillars like the content. ALWAYS divide the content into chunks that would be easy to read.

Dividing the content into paragraphs helps to keep the bounce rate low and engages the readers. 

As the grade of the child increases, they tend to read less. So keep the content in chunks to entice them.

how well do US adults read? graph image

Hemingway is an excellent browser tool that simplifies and streamlines your content. 

It tells you precisely the grade level of your content and recommends improvements.

b. Add Schema Markup to Magnify the Visibility

Itโ€™s structured data, or a code that helps search engines understand your content better. With the help of it, search engines can display relevant results to users based on search queries.

Schema microdata is placed between the webpageโ€™s content; you do not need to learn coding to add it. 

A user is likely to click when your listing is informative and engaging. It also helps local businesses tell search engines what their business is about, what they sell, and how to connect with them. 

Check out Googleโ€™s Structured Data Testing Tool, which would make implementing Schema MUCH more manageable than doing it manually.  

c. Use Multimedia

Using multimedia helps you rank better on Google. Use tons of relevant images, charts, infographics, visual content, videos, interactive polls and quizzes because it increases page time; it may also help with strong branding; with changing trends, people like to watch the video over reading the text content.

d. Use the โ€œSkyscraper Technique.โ€

Follow these three simple steps for this technique:

  1. Find a popular piece of content in your field
  2. Create something even better
  3. Promote your improved content

Read this guide โ€“ Skyscraper Technique, to learn more about it.

e.Keep Your Websiteโ€™s Content Up to Date

Updating old content is an easy way to achieve better SEO results.

If your page has outdated information or needs a fresh perspective, itโ€™s worth your time to update it.

Outdated content doesnโ€™t provide the best user experience, so Google may only rank it if updated.

Use the Content Audit tool and check the โ€œNeed to updateโ€ section to find outdated content.

Technical SEO issues can keep your website from ranking as high as it deserves.

a. Discover and Fix Crawl Errors

Crawling is the process where Google Bot (a software program) visits every page of your website to store in its database (also known as indexing). Crawl errors mean that Google is having problems reading your web pagesโ€™ content. Simply, if Google canโ€™t view the content, it wonโ€™t rank it. 2 types of crawler errors are Site and URL errors. 

Site error: errors that block search engine bots from accessing your site.

URL error: when search engines are not able to find the URL also known as 404 errors

Fix them as you can identify these crawl errors in Google Search Console > Coverage.

b. Make Sure your Site Loads FAST

Faster pages are more efficient and also affect the conversion rate. Itโ€™s quite frustrating to wait for the website to load. People dislike having to wait a long time for it to load. They just hit the โ€œBACKโ€ button.

Not only does this affect you losing out on visitors, but itโ€™ll also wreak havoc on engagement metrics such as โ€œtime on pageโ€ and โ€œdwell timeโ€.

โ€œSite speedโ€ has always been in the top 5 priorities by Google to rank the web pages using its algorithm. A slower page could put a negative impact on the indexation because the Search Engine has to crawl slower than its allocated crawl budget.

You may check the page speed from Googleโ€™s PageSpeed Insights

Employ GTMetrix to notice how speedily your web page loads.

c. Fix all Broken Links

Broken links give an awful user experience. Google likes fewer broken links. These links are the ones on your website that point to non-existent resources, and these could be internal or external links. Trust us; they are straightforward to fix.

d. Make Sure your Site is Mobile-Friendly

Mobile devices support much of the work that can be done on laptops or desktops. 

So having a mobile-friendly website is more of a priority than ever.

November 2016 was a big hit when Google declared that โ€œit would crawl the mobile version of the website first, then the desktop version.โ€ 

Mobile usability is also one of the topmost critical ranking factors.

Google says 61% of users are unlikely to return to a mobile site they had trouble accessing, and 40% visit a competitorโ€™s site instead. ~McKinsey & Company

mobile friendly website stats image

Check out your site with Googleโ€™s Mobile-Friendly Test tool.

e. Fix Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is copied content from other websites or occurs when two or more identical pages exist on your website. 

This can baffle Google which page should be ranked and which not. Google wants (and rewards) original content โ€“ itโ€™s a great way to push up the cost of SEO and create a better user experience simultaneously. 

 Check this video on how Google handles duplicate content:

fix duplicate content section image

f. Examine Your Page Through Googleโ€™s Eyes

Users can sometimes access your entire page, but Google might not. 

If Google canโ€™t view all the content on your page, your ranking may be influenced. 

GSC inspect url screenshot

Use the โ€œInspect URLโ€ feature in Google Search Console to see your page from Googleโ€™s perspective.

g. Secure Your Website with HTTPS

HTTPS has been a ranking facet since 2014. 

Check if your site uses HTTPS by looking at the URL bar in your browser. 

A padlock icon to the left of the URL indicates HTTPS is active. If not, consider moving your site to HTTPS for better security.

https website security image

h. Fix Redirect Chain Issues

A redirect chain transpires when a webpage on your site redirects to another redirected page. 

Redirects should always go from one page to another directly. So make sure to resolve any redirect chain problems.

link building techniques

To rank on top of search engines and get organic traffic, you need quality inbound links, known as backlinks. Itโ€™s one of the top 3 ranking factors revealed by Google. 

Itโ€™s about quality and not about quantity. 

a. Competitor Backlink Analysis

At the start and every quarter, make sure that you pull the backlink data for 3 โ€“ 5 of your top competitors. Then analyze the backlink or inbound data and build a list of high-quality sites that would be good for your website.

b. Plan Email Outreach

It depends greatly on how big a website is, but we suggest sending your pitch email to at least 20 new sites monthly. You may find many email templates that work best online by searching on Google. 

c. Guest Blogging

Itโ€™s a part of content marketing and off-page SEO where you write the content and publish it in the form of a blog, infographic etc., on third-party websites to promote your brand and get a backlink.

Writing high-quality guest blog posts is one of the best ways to earn good-quality links. Try to build an ongoing content relationship with web admins and editors to maintain a monthly increase in backlinks from guest blogging.

d. Broken Link Building

Also known as dead link building is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get a backlink from a third-party website by replacing links to 404 pages with highly relevant and working links. You can build a lot of high-quality backlinks with this method.

e. Links from Local Business Websites or Local Press 

Find a list of websites that are local business directories from your area. Getting links from a local high-quality guide sends a strong signal regarding Googleโ€™s local business listing. 

f. On a Quarter Basis Review your Link Profile

Removing bad backlinks is very important. Remember to look at bad backlinks when you focus on building links because wrong links can get you in trouble. Take action when necessary. 

g. Natural Link Building

This is something that Google loves a lot and does make a plan of action to get them to make a considerable difference to gain high rankings on Google and other search engines. 

Guest posts content worth reading on sites that will send you the targeted traffic relevant to your niche.

h. Convert Unlinked Mentions to Links

An unlinked mention implies that a website refers to your business without a link. 

Since theyโ€™ve already cited you, they might be willing to add a link upon request. 

Use Prowlyโ€™s News Alerts to find unlinked mentions and contact the respective site owners for backlinks.

Steering the ever-changing world of SEO can be overwhelming. 

However, tackling the above critical points will help elevate your rankings and rise above your competitors. 

facebook leads ads image

Discover the 5 Benefits of Using Facebook Lead Ads

Table of Contents

  • Facebook Leads ads
  • Why Facebook Lead Ads
  • Facebook Lead Ads Example
  • Prominent Advantages of Facebook Lead Ads in 2023
  • Final Words

Every ingenious entrepreneur understands the powerful impact that a steady flow of incoming leads has on the growth and success of their business. 

However, to truly elevate your sales and expand your venture, it’s crucial to transform those leads into loyal paying customers. One powerful approach to ease the process of conversion? Facebook Advertising!

Are you aware that Facebook has over 2.91 billion active users? Considering this, think of the huge number of potential customers you can reach through Facebook Advertising. The possibilities are truly endless!

The primary concern here is figuring out the most effective way to connect with your business’s potential leads on Facebook. 
That is where the power of Facebook lead ads comes into play!

Facebook lead ads, a certain type of ad, allow you to gather leads straight from the Facebook platform. 

As they are admiringly user-friendly and have impressive conversion rates, these ads are expeditiously becoming one of the top methods for generating leads on Facebook.
Before we explore the main benefits of Facebook Lead Ads, it’s important to grasp some elementary background information.

In a nutshell, they deliver a smooth user experience (UX), making the conversion process easier. Letโ€™s see how:

Facebook ads serve as promoted forms. Unlike traditional processes where potential clients had to leave Facebook and land on your websiteโ€™s page, Facebook Lead Ads enable users to complete a form right on the platform.

These forms allow you to gather vital details such as the leadโ€™s nameemail address, phone number, and more.

Users can complete the form exactly where they encountered your ad, so theyโ€™re never redirected elsewhere.

This approach significantly enhances conversions, as it eliminates the unnecessary steps required with a longer click-through path, ultimately leaving a lasting positive impact on your leads.

Moreover, Facebook lead ads empower you to create customized advertisements precisely aimed at specific groups based on factors like age, interests, and more!

Imagine youโ€™re a real estate agent aiming to develop leads from individuals interested in purchasing or renting a home. 

To achieve this, you have to start by creating a Facebook lead ad campaign containing vital details like the campaign name, purpose, and funding. 

Afterward, develop the form presented within your lead ad, which should collect appropriate information from potential leads, such as their names, email addresses, and phone numbers. 

Next, establish your campaignโ€™s targeting by concentrating on specific criteria like age, gender, location, and interests. 

Once your campaign is ready to go, nurture it by creating a Facebook lead ad and including a link to your lead ad form.

When users click on the advertisement, theyโ€™ll be directed to the pre-filled form inside the app โ€” making it uncomplicated for them to submit their details.

And there you have it โ€“ a fresh lead ready for the follow-up!

Native Functionality 

As previously stated, Facebook lead ads vary from traditional methods as they occur entirely within the Facebook app, simplifying the conversion procedure for both advertisers and users. 

This inherent feature without redirects is significant for both you and your user. 

This native functionality not only offers a superior in-app experience but also increases the likelihood of conversion, as users can stay on the same screen or app.

Mobile Responsiveness

Itโ€™s no secret that receptive design plays an essential role in ensuring a positive user experience. 

However, certain applications need to be optimized for mobile devices to avoid inconveniences that the users face when they try to visit the website on their phones. 

Conversely, Facebook is fully furnished for mobile users, and so are the Facebook lead ads. 

This means you can be confident that regardless of the device your users employ โ€“ be it mobile, tablet, or desktop โ€“ they will enjoy a coherent experience with your ad. 

Your form will consistently display appropriately across all platforms.

Easy Data Collection

Facebook lead ads have made the complex process of data collection remarkably straightforward. 

In other types of leads, users need to invest time and effort to provide their personal information. This not only consumes the userโ€™s time but also makes it difficult for you as an advertiser. 

On the other hand, since users are already on Facebook, their data can be auto-filled into forms. 

As a result, Facebook effectively saves both you and the user from dealing with separate web pages, redirects, or intricate forms, making the entire process effortless.

Highly-Targeted Segments

Highly targeted segments refer to reaching a specific group of audiences you want to target. 

Facebook lead ads excel in this concern, enabling you to design ads tailored to different categories such as age, gender, interests, and more.

As a result, your advertisement will only appear to users who match your predefined target audience. 

This implies that the leads you obtain are genuinely interested in your products or services and have a higher likelihood of conversion.

For Example, If youโ€™re a real estate agent specializing in luxury homes in New York, youโ€™d like to target users residing within a specific radius of New York with higher household earnings.

Effortless Integration with CRMs

Facebook has collaborated with numerous prominent CRM tools, including Hubspot,  Freshsales, Bitrix24, Kommo, Copper CRM, and Zoho CRM, among others. 

This method eliminates the need for managing your customer data on Facebook since you can efficiently handle them through your own Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. 

Integrating Facebook with your CRM enables you to view all incoming leads in one place.

Also, once your lead ad data has been integrated into your companyโ€™s CRM, it allows for real-time access to this data. 

This is possible because the connected CRM employs a webhook or Graph API to bring the information right when it occurs on Facebook. 

Therefore, when users complete a form or subscribe to an ad, their details will immediately be sent to your CRM tool.

Facebook Lead Ads โ€“ your go-to solution for top-of-the-funnel lead generation! By offering a seamless user experience, mobile responsiveness, highly targeted segments, and effortless CRM integration, entrepreneurs can efficiently generate leads and convert them into loyal customers. 

Donโ€™t miss out on this amazing opportunity for your business by leveraging Facebook lead ads! Speak to our top-notch Banisoft experts now and witness fantastic results!

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How to test and improve SEO strategies for better search visibility?

You want your website to rank on top of Google. And thereโ€™s no doubt that SEO is the best approach to it. You can get there with SEO test strategies. If you have a higher position on the SERP, you will have to get more clicks.

You must experiment and grow website traffic. There are multiple SEO testing options available out there. You just need to find the right ones.

So letโ€™s get startedโ€ฆ First letโ€™s understand

SEO testing evaluates the best ways to optimize your pages for the search engine results pages (SERPs). This is highly suggested for new companies, startups, and small businesses who want to experiment and find out how to improve your SEO strategy and gain results.

What is SEO Testing?

A popular method here is Split or A/B testing. It is suggested to weigh the possibilities for your SEO strategy. One can do this by dividing traffic into two different versions of the same page. When visitors interact with the different pages, data is collected. Based on the stats and conversions, you can decide which page is more effective.

There are 6 parts to any reliable SEO testing:

  • Ask a question that you want an answer to.
  • Make a hypothesis to understand whatโ€™s going to happen.
  • Remove variables and run the experiment.
  • Collect data.
  • Analyze the data.
  • Report on your results.

QTechnically, if you want your SEO strategy to improve, SEO Testing is the way to go. It is not that complicated, and you can learn how to do the SEO test. Some simple tools that can help you with the same are:

  • BuzzStream
  • Google Search Console
  • SEO Spider
  • SEMrush SEO Toolkit

However, every business is different, and so how to do the SEO test also varies. So you need to pick testing that works best for your business or service.

There are two kinds of SEO testings:

  • On-page SEO โ€“ This inspects what your site or the page is about
  • Off-page SEO โ€“ This inspects how authoritative, and popular your site is

On-Page SEO checklist includes:

  • Write effective title tags
  • Put targeted keywords in the title tag
  • Limit tags to 55-60 characters (with spaces)
  • Push keyword closer to title naturally
  • Donโ€™t stuff your keywords
  • Include brand at the title tag end, using a pipe bar to separate(|)

Off-page SEO checklist includes:

  • Creating awesome content
  • Backlink where possible
  • Maximize social media shares
  • Outreach emails to influencers
  • Allow guest blogging

Off-page SEO adds tremendous value to your website. It compels the search engines to believe that your website is important to others. The links you receive, in turn, are an endorsement from another source โ€” assuring the quality of your website.

On-page SEO is the optimization of whatever content is there on your website. This includes keyword optimization and internal linking. 

Remember that on-page SEO is within your control, but off-page is not. So itโ€™s critical that off-page SEO measure your pageโ€™s credibility.

With SEO testing, you can uncover the strengths and weaknesses of your SEO strategy. These SEO test strategies help you understand how and if you are missing out on valuable site traffic and qualified leads.

Why do SEO Test on your site?

Ideally, this should be done at the beginning of the campaign. Conduct an SEO test prior to implementing an SEO campaign. Doing so will give you a baseline for where you started.

If you think you are getting a sub-par SEO grade when you will have time to fix the same.

One should run periodic SEO tests to ensure that your campaign is working properly. It also gives insight into the methods that are working and what areas still require improvement.

As discussed above, there are many SEO Testing Strategies. But what you should aim for is using them in tandem with your existing strategies.

How to implement SEO Strategies?

1. Interlink the Target Page with Requisite Content Using the Keyword in the Anchor Text

If you want to improve SEO testing, you need to acquire a better keyword ranking. This helps Google understand the topic better. For example, in your existing strategy, add more LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords.

Internal anchor text is another strategy you can try. It helps Google understand critical keywords for your pages.

2. Enhance Meta Tags

Meta tags, including title tags and meta descriptions, send out a solid relevancy signal to get better rankings on the SERP. However, search behavior is constantly changing. Higher click-through SEO strategies alone wonโ€™t suffice.

Thatโ€™s where you need to improve SEO testing to check the organic result in lieu of content that delivers what you require.

3. Introduce Semantic Keywords For Comprehensively Covering A Topic

Semantic keywords are related to keywords or phrases. Using them gives the visitor the ability to understand the subject in a practical way. Also, incorporating semantic keywords gives the content more authority.

For example, if you are looking for a vegetarian burger, you may get results similar to it like vegetarian sliders, vegetarian hot dogs, or even subs.

If you havenโ€™t already, try this in your SEO test strategies to ensure that you have covered a subject in its entirety.

4. Structure Content

Content is king for any SEO test strategies. Make sure it is structured and easy to read.

Remove bold tags โ€” they did matter for SERP but not anymore
Improve mobile visibility โ€” most people read on phones now

5. Update Content That Other Pages Lack

Check out competitors and see what content you are missing. For example, are you starting your first line of the article so that it also becomes a good META description?
You can search โ€œGoogle Snippet Rankingsโ€ to write short Q&A in your blogs, which helps you rank for snippets.

6. Add Schema to Your Content

Schema lets a visitor, and also the search engines get a better understanding of your website or page. Doing so helps it match the page to the appropriate queries.

As a result, you boost search visibility and CTR.

7. Add Backlinks

Backlinks boost search visibility, increase your prominence on the search engine, and indicate that other web pages find your site valuable.

#Tip: Monitor the status of your backlink to show backlink growth, top domains, and new and lost backlinks for nearly any domain globally. This is a great SEO test strategy.

8. Do Include Multimedia & Images

Images, infographics, and multimedia like videos, animated visuals, etc. retain visitors longer.

To boost ranking, include an ALT text on the captions of the images. Infographics are another great tool.

If you have infographics, you will notice that visitors prefer SEO Testing.

According to Forbes, 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual according to the report, and visuals are known to improve learning and retention by 400%. You can see evident changes in your SERP when doing SEO Testing.

Itโ€™s simple. Just add more visuals, videos, and infographics to your existing content!

Use of Multimedia in SEO

8. Remove Dates From URL

Donโ€™t give dates in permalinks because it would result in 404 errors when you change it later. In particular, dates also make the visitor question your authenticity.

Would you read a 2019-2020 blog or a 2008 one on SEO testing? The new one, right? Especially since the algorithms have changed so much.

9. Prune Your Site

Do more pages mean more traffic? Nope

Consider the case of pruning that Everett Sizemore makes. Proactively remove stuff that doesnโ€™t enhance quality. The less junk on the site, the higher the overall quality signal of your site.

Do SEO testing for:

  • No organic search traffic
  • Ranking > 50
  • No backlinks
  • No social shares

10. Optimize Answer Box

To rank on top of the SERP, optimize for the Answer Box/Featured Snippet. By securing the Answer Box for a query, you can be assured that your URL is seen.
Quick adjustments in your content can help you win the Answer Box.

Do answer the who, what, why, when, and how of a question relevant to the topic.

SEO testing frequency should depend on the kind of business you are. To improve SEO testing, an SEO audit should be done 2-3 times a year. For smaller businesses, once in 6 months also works.

If you want to improve SERP โ€” then this Step by Step Guide For SEO Testing is the roadmap for you:

1. Do an SEO audit

SEO testing or audit improves your SEO. This SEO test will give you an update on whatโ€™s working well and where you can improve. This audit is an evaluation of your website to check your ability to appear on search engine results pages (SERPs)

2. Analyze test results

Once the audit is done, take a close look at your test results. Now is the time to personalize your SEO test strategies. Check what recommendations can make a significant impact.

Evaluate the SEO patterns and pinpoint the pain areas that need more wide-scale changes.

3. Redefine SEO strategy

Now that you have an update, your SEO strategy based on your test results redefines the same.

For this, you need to:

  • Identify your target audience
  • Conduct keyword research
  • Analyze your competitors:
  • Create your plan
  • Set up monitoring

4. Implement a new strategy

It is time to implement your new strategy. This should include your plans for improving, monitoring and measuring your SEO. Keep track of the same so that you are able to track and measure SEO testing results accurately.

5. Make changes when required

This is now a recurring process. You have to keep analyzing your SEO test strategies time and again so that you can constantly be at the top of your game. So, continue monitoring and do more SEO tests or audits.

Now that you are aware of the step-by-step guide for SEO testing, it is essential that you know the critical components of SEO Testing. These should not be missed out.

1. Test the impact of no-follow links

No-follow links may help increase website ranking along with traffic. One can try and use the Chrome extension, NoFollow, for the same.

2. Test social signals impact

Social media is powerful dynamite to boost traffic and reach new audiences. Can it also help your SEO?

Social signals impact SEO rankings. With consistent social signals, you can get higher rankings.

3. Test keyword intent

Some keywords perform better than others. While others get no traffic, pay attention to the intent behind the keywords. Focus on high-value and low-value together.

4. Test an AMP for your website

Google came out with AMP or accelerated mobile page websites. You can use the same to optimize your website, and mobile users. If possible, have both normal and mobile versions of the website โ€” with testing, you can know which version works!

5. Test load speed impact

When did you last check the website loading? It will directly impact how Google will rank your website.

Good speed means a lower bounce rate, which is a great SEO strategy.

6. Test compelling title tags and meta descriptions

As mentioned earlier, this is a critical component of your SEO testing strategy. A compelling one with the right title tags and meta descriptions can help you get quicker and faster results.

At the end of the day, higher rankings for SEO mean more clicks. With SEO testing, you can get the right results. Sure there will be a few trials, but it will help you achieve goals and grow your business exponentially.

But this can happen only when you get your SEO right and run testsโ€ฆ So donโ€™t miss that!

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Facebook Messenger Marketing for Boosting Business Leads

Hurray! Hereโ€™s one massive opportunity to boost up your sales up to 40 times through Facebook Messenger marketing.


With facebookโ€™s 2 billion + users you can not only advertise your products or services to them but also sent back and forth millions of messages between customers and business every month. 

When we communicate with our customers, we use emails (apparently, yes). People love messaging and hate peeping into emails all the time.


Why not use a messaging app, Messenger (which they love) to communicate with instead of using emails (which they hate).

  • Open rates โ€“  4 times better than email
  • Click through rates โ€“ 10 times better than email
  • Revenue per subscriber โ€“ about 5 times better than email

Quite amazing right?  If you are curious, keep reading.MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Complete SEO Checklist for 2020 to Rank Higher

Communication has been changing for the past 10 โ€“ 15 years and itโ€™s still not done yet. Particularly Facebook is gaining popularity and is winning over other communication methods. 

And, as of 2017, features added to Facebook Messenger has made it a huge platform to set up your brand product and your company apart in the eyes of the customer. 

It enables the company to start conversations with the customers, bring out the customersโ€™ needs and their feedback and target them through advertising.

 Consider the following statistics:

  1. The Facebook page owners can reply to anyone who has commented on their page.This potential tomessage the customer directly is highly powerful. More than 90% of users have access to Facebook on their mobile phones and they are live on Facebook 15 times a day. 

If this number doesnโ€™t give you goosebumps, think about it โ€“ 1.59 billion are just the daily active users on Facebook.

Befriending with the customers on this level changes the business relationships into personal ones.

2. Customers want an instant response and that too NOT from a bot. More than 56% of consumers would prefer to send a message using an app. 

Writing Instant replies or messages ahead of time is a huge time-saver that makes you look not only professional but also efficient. 

Personalization to Winning Business

According to Zendesk, the average time for a business to respond should be within 60 minutes.

Your ultimate target can be for โ€œvery responsive to messagesโ€ badge.

All you need to have an average response time of 15 minutes with a 90% response rate over the last seven days.

Needless to say, if you want to motivate users to connect with you through Messenger, opt for a shorter response time

3. Establish your trust and show that you care โ€“ Integrating Messenger with customer service allows customers to communicate on their terms. No more waiting calls. 

With direct messaging (that too mobile friendly) the conversation not only stays in Messenger, but also it keeps a record of chat with the customer, thus refraining from starting the conversation from scraping.

You may also reduce labor costs by up to 30% by adding a chatbot to supervise any reasonable proposals for communication and preliminary dealings when your business is closed.

4. With Messenger, you can initiate a private conversation with anyone who either posts or comments on your page. 

Viewing the message publicly that the conversation with the specific person has begun in through a private message is certainly a very helpful feature if ever thereโ€™s a need to handle a situation offline.

5. Assisting in customer service by replying to a customerโ€™s complaint on Facebook Messenger, enables an instant opportunity to show validation through social shares and likes.

6. Facebook Live- chat, between customers and business, helps them to build trust and a high level of customer satisfaction.

This improves the communication efficiency between the two and has the highest satisfaction rate โ€“ 73 %.

It is the ideal medium to provide customer service, elicit feedback, as well as to target or re-target leads through advertising. Keep reading to learn how.MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Website Redesign โ€“ 10 SEO Mistakes to Sidestep

The arrival of Social Media has changed the way of communication.

Social Media has given a new platform to consumers to put their thoughts into words and voice, to explore every corner of the world through their eyes and ears.

โ€œThe future of customer service goes through direct messaging on social media,โ€ says Conversocialโ€˜s CEO and founder, Joshua March.

Facebook Messenger is the perfect avenue for brands to connect to and communicate with customers

The emergence of Facebook Messenger and Social Media for customer services, in combination with SaaS solutions as well as advanced service desk technology, has provided the perfect conditions for rapid change โ€“  where CSM (Customer Support Management) is no longer just customer support, but also about sales and marketing support.

1. Be Responsive

The priority is the customerโ€™s expectation for a quick response. Issues canโ€™t be stopped, they can happen anytime โ€“ even on weekends and at night.

Consider the statistics from The Social Habit:

  • 42% of consumers complaining through social media expect a response within an hour. 
  • 32% expect a response within 30 minutes.
  • 57% of consumers complaining through social media expect the same response time at night and on weekends as they would receive during normal business hours.

How bad a slow response time could be?

It can vandalize your brandโ€™s name and revenue. An alarming report from the State of Multichannel Customer Service Report, which highlights the impact of poor customer service:

When the rewards are great, so are the risks! 

A dissatisfied customer will complain publicly, probably sharing its experience with hundreds and thousands of people and elsewhere โ€“ a spine-chilling thought, isnโ€™t it! 

But on the flip side, compliments from a customer on social media can create a blind trust that your brand would provide through services.


Facebook displays your business chat response speed on your Facebook Fan Page-  (Facebook is smart too!).

Either way, itโ€™s great for the customers as well as for the business.

Messenger bots and โ€œcustomizable Away messagesโ€ can be an effective tools for serving customers quickly.

2. Conversational Commerce

Conversational commerce, a term coined by Uberโ€™s Chris Messina, refers to the convergence of business/shopping either through messaging and chat apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and WeChat or through voice technology, like Amazonโ€™s Echo product, which interacts with customers through voice commands.

Customers can chat, ask questions, get personalized recommendations, read reviews, and click to purchase โ€“ all from within messaging apps. 

On the business front, companies can use chatbots to automate customer service messages. With chatbots, companies can send order confirmations in Facebook Messenger, as well as shipping and delivery notifications. 

N.B. โ€“ Do not rely much on Chatbots, although useful to cut costs yet always have the support from an expert to answer queries.

3. Upsell 

While providing customer support, it is ideal to upsell your product. Entice your customer on how to leverage the services for him. You can also opt for 

a. coupon codes or discount codes

b. Wiki sections, case studies, and blogs as personalized content for each service or product you provide and for each type of customerโ€™s persona.

No doubt, Chatbots can augment your online availability, and also can pick up the slack of messages for you. With customersโ€™ expectation to have 24/7 online availability on social media, businesses have restyled themselves to automation to meet the growing demand.

To use Facebook Messenger, you need to have a business Fan Page on Facebook.

Chatbots are extremely useful for dealing with simple queries, to provide automated online support when the team is not available.


  1. It can respond privately to a comment or a post โ€“ a quite useful way to let customers know that the authority has acknowledged the issue and has responded privately.
  2. All queries will go to the businessโ€™s Messenger inbox. No customer can ever send a message to your personal space โ€“ whether it be on mobile or desktop.

There are many platforms for creating Chatbots online and most of them require no coding. The simplest option includes:

  1. Chatfuel: Free basic option for creating bots for Facebook or Telegram
  2. ManyChat:  Facebook, limited Free version.
  3. ChattyPeople: Facebook + Slackbot
  4. FlowXO: the Most versatile platform- Messenger, Slack, Telegram, and web

One of the hard work to do is to keep up with the volume of messages and requests from customers.  Whatโ€™s even more challenging is that customers want an instant response after they post a message, request, or complaint online.

An integrated inbox can help you out. It integrates the messages of Messenger, Instagram, and Facebook. 

It enables you to keep a check on all three channels without missing any messages. So, take advantage of the Integrated inbox. You just need to connect your Facebook page with your Instagram account.

The ability to reply on the public wall, post comments inside the Inbox, and mark them either โ€˜DONEโ€™ or โ€˜FOLLOW UPโ€™ are quite useful.  

Messenger Marketing is the act of marketing with customers using a messaging app.

Forbes has referred to Messenger Marketing as โ€œthe new way to do business.โ€ 

A whopping 90% of people believe recommendations from friends, and 70% of people prefer to buy based on social media referrals. Thereโ€™s a ton more you can do.

Great support converts to great reviews which in turn brings more sales. Where else can customers share their buying experiences with their friends and family, whether good or bad? FACEBOOK

Why should I use bots? Some facts can help you with: 

Iโ€™m more than 100% satisfied that messenger bots (Facebook Messenger) are the next big thing in online marketing and it can make your business more fortunate.

So, let me give you some more of those facts:

  • 1.2 billion (yes, billion) people use Facebook Messenger every month. Your potential customer is ALSO using Messenger.
  • It has the highest rate of engagement in terms of users and potential buyers.
  • Many prospective customers donโ€™t feel like sharing their email addresses. This is called โ€œemail fatigueโ€ โ€“ itโ€™s real.
  • It provides the highest click rate for any type of traffic.
  • Messenger is a one-click subscription rather than having to type in email, click submit, confirm email, etc.
  • Prospective customers can engage in live chat, which helps to close sales faster and with less friction.
  • Retargeting your Messenger leads is easier, uncomplicated and faster than retargeting email leads.
  • Messenger is completely mobile and desktop-friendly. Please, no more mobile configuration for emails.

The goal for business in customer service SHOULD BE always โ€“ โ€œMake them come back next time!โ€.

Mirror your consumerโ€™s behavior and target them accordingly. It makes sense for a brand to engage users on mobile messaging apps first to raise awareness and then later to reengage them on both tablets and using secondary advertising.

A good example of this is onsite retargeting โ€“ specifically designed to lengthen your Facebook Messenger list. 

When done correctly, onsite retargeting can help you recover your potential users before they abandon your page, and give you a second chance to convert them into subscribers.

MIGHT ALSO LIKE: How Facebook Ads Can Boost Your E-commerce Business

Consumers are increasingly demanding more and more from their chosen brands, a conversation and a relationship that they can feel a part of and contribute to.

By engaging your customers, a business can benefit greatly from feedback. Itโ€™s a win-win for both business and customers since business wins loyalty and customers get better products which results in making them happier, later who will buy more.

With Facebookโ€™s 2 billion+ + users, you can not only advertise your products or services to them but also send back and forth millions of messages between customers and businesses every month. 

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Facebook Ads For Architects – The In-Depth Step-By-Step Guide

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Section 1: Facebook Ads for Architects

Section 2: Setting Up Your Facebook Ads Account   

Section 3: Choosing Clear Goals and Understanding Your Audience 

Section 4: Creating Engaging Ad Content  

Section 5: Choosing Ad Placements 

Section 6: Setting Your Budget and Schedule 

Back in the day, architects used to rely on good old word-of-mouth to spread the word about their services โ€“ just like many other professional firms. It was all about who you knew and the handshakes you made.

Fast forward to today, we’re living in a world where the Internet has become an integral part of our lives. You might be surprised to hear that out of all the social networks out there, Facebook is a real giant โ€“ get this, every month, over 3.05 billion people are scrolling through their feeds. 

And that’s not even the most mind-blowing part: a whopping 2 billion users log in daily to see what’s up as of 2024. Isn’t that something?

This makes it rock crystal that for architects who aim to make their mark worldwide, mastering Facebook ads isn’t just smart; it’s essential! 

This blog post is designed to clearly explain the advantages of using Facebook ads. It will guide you through the necessary steps: setting up your account, defining your target audience, creating compelling ad content, allocating your budget and schedule, selecting where your ads will appear, and finally, how to evaluate and improve your campaigns.

The Benefits of Using Facebook Ads in the Architectural Field:

The Benefits of using Facebook Ads in the Architectural Field

Effective Techniques to Boost Sales with Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are a proven way to attract new customers. A recent survey showed that 65% of respondents found that Facebook ads boosted their sales, with 90% reporting a 30% increase in website and blog traffic. For your architecture company, utilizing Facebook advertising could be vital in driving up sales.

Precise Targeting Options

Facebook offers precise targeting for ads, allowing you to focus on specific ages, genders, and locations. You can also target users based on their interests, such as the pages they’ve liked, ensuring your content is relevant to them. For instance, if you want to reach people in Mohali, Facebook lets you target by location, meaning those in or around Mohali or Punjab are more likely to see your ads.

Streamlining the Purchase Process

With Facebook Ads, the purchase process is made easier. Previously, a potential customer might only find a company’s ad by searching on Google. Now, anyone can see your ad on Facebook whether or not they’re actively searching for your products or services, simplifying the path to purchase.

Increased Conversion Rates

The targeted nature of Facebook ads often leads to higher conversion rates. You can tailor ads based on interests and past interactions with your company on Facebook, which helps reach people who are already interested in what you offer.

Accurate Measurement and Tracking

One of the benefits of Facebook Ads is the ability to measure and track their performance using data about demographics, location, or user behavior. This tracking is more straightforward than systems like Google AdWords. It includes conversion tracking to show when someone completes an action from your ad โ€“ like signing up with an email address, filling out a contact form, or downloading something.

Promoting Specific Posts

You can also use Facebook ads to promote individual posts. This strategy is effective for drawing attention and traffic to the content you want to highlight. Additionally, since many people use Facebook daily, advertising there helps build brand awareness and create a sense of community. 

Setting Up Your Facebook Ads Account

Creating an ad in Ads Manager:

To create your first ad on Facebook: 

1. Go to Ads Manager.

2. Click ‘Create’ to start a campaign and ad set.

3. If you’ve advertised before, you can also use an existing campaign or ad set.

Keep in mind:

– Your choices at the campaign and ad set stage will influence your ad’s settings.

– The goal you select will determine the types of ads you can make.

representation of how to update your campaign name

Creating an Ad:

1. In Ads Manager, begin by setting up your campaign and ad set.

2. Name your ad clearly in the provided box.

3. Link a Facebook Page to represent your business โ€“ it’s required for all ads.

4. Choose an ad format โ€“ single image/video, carousel, or collection.

For single image or video ads:

– Click ‘Add media’ to upload new media or select from existing ones.

– Use ‘Create video’ for ready-made video templates using your photos.

For carousel ads:

– Upload images or videos for each carousel card and add optional text and a website link.

– Ensure you have at least two cards in your carousel, but remove any extras that are not needed.

For collection ads:

– You’ll need a product catalog. Set one up if you haven’t already.

– You can showcase products dynamically or manually select up to four.

Additional options:

Depending on what you choose earlier, you might also be able to add action buttons or tracking pixels.

Checking your ad:

Preview it, then hit ‘Publish.’ To see how it will appear in different places, click on the placement thumbnails next to the preview.

Ad Review Process:

Facebook reviews all ads against its Advertising Policies before they go live. Check your ad’s status in the ‘Delivery’ column in Ads Manager.

Choosing the Right Objective

Before you use Facebook ads to attract architectural clients, pick a clear goal. The first thing is making people aware of your services. Facebook ads help show your business where most of your potential clients spend their time.

Think about the early stages when a client first notices their need for an architect. Be mindful of their concerns. Ask yourself:

– What aims do my clients have?

– What issues do they often face?

Identify Your Target Clients

Instead of targeting everyone, itโ€™s important to focus on your specific audience to save time and money on finding good leads. With billions of users, Facebook is an invaluable platform for reaching people interested in architecture, whether for their business or home.

Facebook tools can refine your audience search:

– Custom audiences let you connect with those already familiar with your brand, using data like customer lists or interactions on Facebook.

– Lookalike audiences help you reach users similar to your existing clients by setting how closely these new prospects should resemble them.

– Saved audiences allow targeting based on specific characteristics, such as age range or interests.

Creating these targeted groups makes it easier to attract the clients that suit your specialized area in architecture.

how to create engaging Ad content

Follow these easy tips to create compelling ads for Facebook that are more likely to get results.

1. Understand who you’re talking to

Learn about your audience’s age, gender, location, job, hobbies, and current life events. This will help you write ads they can relate to.

2. Target your ads

Different people prefer different things, so create unique ads for distinct groups.

3. Align your words with your images –

Make sure that your ad’s text and visuals tell the same story and complement each other.

4. Be straight to the point –

Your ad copy should be short and precise to quickly deliver your message without being cut off or causing confusion.

5. Avoid complex language –

Use simple words and keep sentences short for easy understanding.

6. Show that others trust you

Use customer reviews, testimonials, or awards in your ads to show new customers that your product or service is valued by others.

7. Create urgency –

Encourage people to act quickly by using words like “now” or “today,” which suggest that time is limited.

how to choose ad placements in facebook ad manager

When creating ads, it’s crucial to consider how they will appear and be read on different platforms. These platforms include Facebook Feed, Messenger, mobile, desktop, and tablet. Each of these has its unique characteristics, and you might need to tailor your ad copy to each one for maximum effectiveness.

Many marketers write compelling copy for desktop viewing, only to find that it doesn’t perform well on mobile due to character limitations. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that your copy can be read as intended on all platforms to avoid hindering its performance.

For instance, using long-form primary ad copy on Instagram and Facebook stories can be ineffective because the copy might cover the entire creative, making it hard to read.

To optimize your ads for all placements, customize the Primary Text, Headlines, and Link Descriptions for each one. This will ensure that your ad copy is easily readable, digestible, and impactful on every platform.

setting up your ad budget & schedule

Understand the Role of Budget and Schedule in Ad Success:

Your ad’s chance to succeed is partly determined by its budget and how long it runs. In ad auctions, where many ads compete for attention, a good strategy and enough funds are necessary for at least a week. 

This duration helps the system learn and show your ad to those more likely to respond. Even with a modest budget, if your ad is very relevant to someone, it might win over others who are spending more.

How to Decide on Your Budget:

With Facebook, you can choose between a daily or a lifetime budget for your ads.

– Daily budget: Best for ads that run all day. Facebook will divide your budget across each day. The smallest daily budget allowed is $1.00, which must be twice your cost-per-click (CPC).

– Lifetime budget: Good for ads with a set duration. Facebook spreads out your spending over the chosen period.

Scheduling Your Ad: 

You have control over when your ad runs. It can start right away and continue indefinitely, or you can pick specific start and end dates. You also have the option to only show your ad on particular days and times if needed.

Exploring ways to promote your architecture firm can feel overwhelming with all the possibilities out there – but let’s talk about Facebook. It’s a bustling hub full of potential clients, making it the ideal spot to kick off your journey into Facebook ads for architects.

Now, I know diving into the world of Facebook ads might seem daunting, but hear me out. With Banisoft by your side, it’s more like embarking on an exciting adventure rather than tackling a stressful task. We’ve got your back!

generate leads for Facebook ads featured image

Generate Insurance Leads Using Facebook Ads โ€“ Step By Step

The way one markets and sells products or services has changed. And this applies to insurance too. If you want to grow your insurance business exponentially, you should know how to generate leads from Facebook ads for an insurance company!

Research reveals that 26% of Facebook users that clicked on a Facebook ad had made a purchase. With 1.49 billion daily active users and a number thatโ€™s continually growing, there is no shortage of prospects on this social media platform. Facebook ads for lead generation can be a game-changer for you.

But how are these going to benefit you? Letโ€™s evaluate

There are umpteen reasons why Facebook ads for insurance companies can be beneficial.

Benefits of facebook ads

1. Most of your existing customers spend most of their time on Facebook.
Statistics show that 80% of all Internet users use Facebook, including 65% of adults over the age of 65.

2. Targeted advertising
Advertising on FB is the most targeted advertising form based on age, interests, behavior, and location.
Some of the other benefits of generating leads from Facebook ads for an insurance company include:

3. FB advertising is quicker and less time-consuming
4. It increases brand awareness
5. Boosts website flow
6. Increases revenues and sales
7. Advertisements are measurable
8. Increases customer attribution
9. Lowers customer acquisition cost
10. Drives offline sales
11. Increases repeat business
12. Builds customer engagement
13. Grows blog traffic
14. Increases SEO rankings
15. Can help you break into new markets
16. It is REAL-TIME
17. Your competitors are using it too
18. Give you an edge on larger businesses
19. It is mobile friendly
20. An effective form of advertising

On the whole, Facebook works out to be a cost-effective advertising investment for an insurance company. Not only can you multiply your revenues, but it is also cheaper than almost every alternative source of advertising. As a result of this, you can increase your touch-points with your audience and ramp up awareness โ€” leading to higher conversion rates.

Facebook ads do more than just getting publicity for your insurance company. Hereโ€™s how FB ads significantly boost business for insurance companies:

Facebook ads for insurance company

Most people research insurance companies and their services online. When you are advertising your blog or website on Facebook, a prospective customer can search for terms that meet their search query criteria.

As a result, instead of them finding you โ€” you are helping yourself get found. So you will be among the first insurance companies they will likely click on. Doing so doubles your chances of doing business. It eventually increases search engine optimization (SEO) and your online visibility.

Facebook ads for lead generation help build Brand recognition. This is described as the ability of consumers to recall a brand when asked correctly. If you want your insurance company to be remembered like Apple or Pepsi, you have to advertise.

But we know that conventional advertising is expensive โ€” especially on a large scale. However, to generate leads from Facebook ads for an insurance company, the cost is not that high!

Facebook is an incredibly useful tool in this process. It lets your company be more accessible to potential customers.

Facebook ads for insurance company helps one acquire more customers. You have an entire online community on FB and are directly engaging with customers. This helps to build brand loyalty.

Insurance is a service that is often regarded as impersonal and complex. Yet it is a pivotal part of health. Since people are digging deeper, you can use Facebook messenger to offer advice online. Itโ€™s a quick and effective way to humanize insurance.

To generate leads from Facebook ads for an insurance company and get benefits, you need a multitude of data. It can be:

  • How often people are opening your posts
  • What content gets most viewed on your site

Data like this helps in developing effective advertising campaigns and generate traffic for your insurance company.

Step by step how to generate insurance leads using FB ads

Now that you know that Facebook ads for lead generation are beneficial for your insurance company, letโ€™s work on strategies that can help you maximize this opportunity.

Hereโ€™s a step-by-step guide on the same:

A. Choosing an objective

Facebook has about 11 marketing objectives & strategies available based on what you want to accomplish. These include:

1. Brand awareness and introducing your company to a new audience
2. Reaching out to a bigger audience
3. Driving traffic to a web page, app, or even messenger
4. Engage with a variety of audiences through different medius
5. Install your app
6. Get the audience to view your videos
7. Lead generation to get prospects into your sales funnel
8. Encourage leads to use Facebook Messenger to access your business
9. Convert prospects into leads
10. Connect the FB ads to your product catalog
11. Encourage customers to brick-and-mortar stores

B. Identify your audience

To generate leads from Facebook ads, an insurance company should know their audience. Target your ads by:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Income
  • Life events

C. Plan your budget

Just because you save on conventional ads doesnโ€™t mean that you waste money. Strategize and start your Facebook ads for insurance company campaign only after deciding on a budget.

One has the option to choose a daily or lifetime budget. Pick and set the start and end dates. There is also an option to set the Cost Control amount. This will help you to cap the cost per lead at an amount you find convenient. Ideally, you should leave this field blank and run campaign for a few days before deciding on the same.

As you get an approx cost of each lead costs, go back and set the cap amount. This will help you calculate your return-on-investment in a better way.

D. Go for captivating visuals

Visuals can redefine Facebook ads for insurance companies.

In Facebook ads, you are competing with every other post on your target audienceโ€™s news feed. The visual ad should be compelling enough for the viewer actually to click it.

A high click-through rate means better business. Did you know that the average conversion rate for an insurance search ad is 5.10%, and for the same insurance display network ad, itโ€™s 1.19%!

On Facebook, this number goes up to 9%!

So make use of infographics, visuals, and videos to create an impression!

E. Identify the market need

Identifying the need for life insurance among users is challenging. Try to educate your customer rather than sell since people are on FB for social surfing, not buying.

Facebook also has the option to run an ad based on previous interactions with a video. Then re-target this audience with a more extended ad. Educate rather than sell on FB is a strategy that helps get higher ROI!

F. A/B testING

Running two or more ads at a given time is known as A/B testing. This way, you can see which Facebook ads for lead generation work better. It can be two different ads or similar ones with slight changes.

A/B testing using facebook ads

For example, rather than a landing page, a direct ad can help you generate more leads!

G. Give instant quotes

When generating leads from Facebook ads, an insurance company gives instant quotes. A number always hits the nail on the head. For example, you are offering a 20% discount on the premium. Instead of giving percentile, say that you will $4,000 off on your total premium amount (based on the math)! Itโ€™s a quicker way to create an impact!

Some other strategies that you can try here are:

1. Give special offers and extend them
2. Tell a compelling story through the ad
3. Strike an emotional chord with your audience
4. Make use of CRM to keep track of the audience data

H. Hire a Facebook marketing agency

You are an insurance company that hopes to increase its revenues โ€” but you are not a digital marketer. Hire professionals who can work on Facebook ads for insurance companies.

Hire a facebook marketing agency

Be there to share your expertise on the subject matter, i.e., insurance. To generate leads from Facebook ads for an insurance company can turnaround your business.

Keep in mind that running ads for any business on Facebook is not easy. But insurance is often complicated with legal terms that are difficult to interpret. Go for catchy visuals, target the right audience, optimize your campaign for performance, test, analyze, and repeat the cycle.

With a good marketing companyโ€™s expertise and consistency, and hard work, you will generate more leads and sales before you know it.

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