How Facebook Ads Can Boost Your Ecommerce Business

facebook ads for ecommerce business featured image

  • Facebook, with a staggering 11.2 billion visits and 1.5 billion unique visitors, stands as the third most popular website globally, with an average visit duration of 31 minutes.
  • A noteworthy statistic reveals that 75% of individuals belonging to the high-income bracket actively utilize Facebook.
  • Photos make up approximately 36% of all Facebook page postings.
  • Facebook Shops, a global phenomenon, boasts a count of 250 million across the world.
  • The potential reach of Facebook advertising spans a massive 2.11 billion individuals.
  • As of 2023, Facebook proudly supports a community of over 10 million active advertisers.
  • A significant portion, specifically 34.1%, of adults aged 13 and above from all around the globe encounter Facebook advertisements.
  • Among the American population aged 13 and above, an impressive 63.7% are exposed to Facebook ads.
  • On average, Facebook charges a reasonable $0.97 per click.

Advertising on Facebook remains a viable option despite the emergence of new social media platforms like TikTok and other social media platforms. Knowing how to advertise effectively on Facebook continues to be an essential skill for most marketers.

Presently, Facebook ads have the potential to reach a staggering 2.17 billion people, approximately 30% of the global population. Moreover, the platformโ€™s active user base continues to grow, and according to SocialPilot, ad revenue as of Q3 2022 will be $82,387 million.

While these numbers are impressive, the true power of Facebook lies in targeting your message toward the specific segment of users who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.

By considering factors such as demographics, location, interests, and other profile information, Facebook ads can be tailored to reach your target audience effectively. Businesses can allocate an ad budget and bid for each click or a thousand impressions the ad receives.

Like Instagram, Facebook ads appear in various app sections, including usersโ€™ feeds, Stories, Messenger, Marketplace, and more. Although they resemble regular posts, they are always labelled as โ€œsponsoredโ€ to indicate their status as advertisements. Facebook ads offer more features than regular posts, such as call-to-action buttons, links, and product catalogues.

Incorporating ads into your overall Facebook marketing strategy is highly recommended to expand your brandโ€™s reach and engage with more users.

Facebook offers a range of ad types and formats to cater to different campaign goals. These include.

  • Image ads
  • Video ads
  • Carousel ads
  • Instant Experience ads
  • Collection ads
  • Lead ads
  • Slideshow ads
  • Stories ads
  • Messenger ads

The diverse ad formats allow you to choose the most suitable type that aligns with your specific business objectives. Each ad format provides different call-to-action (CTA) options to guide users toward the desired actions.

By leveraging the various Facebook ad formats, you can effectively promote your business and drive results based on your campaign goals.

Image ads serve as a fundamental ad format, consisting of a single image. They can be utilized across various ad types, placements, and aspect ratios.

Creating image ads is straightforward, and you can effectively showcase your product or service with high-quality photos. This ad format is versatile and suitable for different stages of your marketing funnel, whether enhancing brand awareness or driving conversions through promotional offers.

While image ads are a versatile choice, they can be limiting as they rely on a single image to convey your message. If you need to demonstrate product functionality or showcase multiple products, the single image format may not be optimal.

Best practices for image ads:

  • Pay attention to aspect ratios to ensure your content is not distorted or cut off.
  • Put effort into creating visually appealing images that stand out on Facebook.
  • Keep your message concise by using only the necessary text.
  • Learn more about image ad specifications.

Video ads utilize a single video to promote a product or service. Video advertising generates high audience engagement; even small companies can create simple videos to entertain and connect with their audience.

The only drawback of video ads is that they require more time to produce. An image or carousel ad might be more efficient if you have a straightforward message.

Best practices for video ads:

  • Keep your videos short (Facebook suggests less than 15 seconds).
  • Start with a captivating opening to engage your audience.
  • Read our comprehensive guide to effective video ads on Facebook.

These are the newest ads from Facebook and offer an interactive and distinct experience to users. Playable ads provide the users with a sneak peek or an interactive preview before they download an app. As a result, one can find higher-intent users for your app with this try-before-you-buy experience.

Slideshow ads feature 3 to 10 images or a single video presented as a slideshow. These ads are similar to video ads but consume significantly less data, making them suitable for markets with limited internet connectivity.

Slideshow ads provide an opportunity to capture readersโ€™ attention through motion and sound, delivering the effectiveness of video ads even to those with no video-making experience.

Best practices for slideshow ads:

  • Use high-quality images and videos to make a strong impact.
  • Incorporate appropriate music (with the necessary rights).
  • Target areas with slow internet connections by utilising slideshow versions of your best-performing video ads.
  • Slideshows share the same specifications as video ads.

Stories ads offer full-screen immersive experiences between the Stories users view on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, or WhatsApp. These ads can include videos, images, or carousels.

Stories ads provide more creative freedom than traditional video or image ads, allowing you to experiment with video effects, emojis, and augmented reality to leave a lasting impression on viewers.

While the Stories format is excellent for showcasing your brand, itโ€™s important to note that Stories are not displayed in Facebook feeds, meaning they are not a one-size-fits-all solution for advertisers. Creating media for Stories may require specific formatting, resulting in additional work.

Best practices for Stories ads:

  • Maintain a quick pace in your Stories, frequently switching between different images and videos.
  • Utilise tools like motion and augmented reality to enhance the viewing experience.
  • Optimise your images and videos for a full-screen display.
  • Learn more about Story ad specifications.

Instant Experience ads (previously known as Canvas Ads) are interactive ads exclusive to mobile devices, enabling users to engage with your content directly on Facebook.

With Instant Experience ads, your target audience can swipe through image carousels, tilt their screens, and use touch gestures to zoom in or out, offering a unique and immersive experience. Additionally, these ads load ten times faster than standard mobile web applications.

Instant Experience ads are a powerful tool, but they may require more time and effort, particularly for newcomers to Facebook advertising. If you prefer a more straightforward approach, sticking to basic ad formats might be more suitable.

Best practices for Instant Experience ads:

  • According to Facebook, it is recommended to include five to seven components (such as images, videos, etc.) in your ad as they tend to generate higher engagement.
  • Save time by utilising pre-made templates.
  • Emphasise your central theme repeatedly throughout the ad.
  • Learn more about Instant Experience ad specifications.

Carousel ads allow readers to navigate through multiple images or videos, each accompanied by its headline, link, or description.

Carousels are ideal for introducing readers to a wide range of your products, as each image within the carousel can direct users to a landing page specifically tailored to that product.

The carousel format can also effectively convey a story or explain a process by segmenting each section across different parts of the carousel.

Best practices for carousel ads:

  • Create unique headlines, calls-to-action (CTAs), and descriptions for each carousel section.
  • Link to multiple landing pages to provide a personalised experience.
  • Learn more about carousel ad specifications. Show the top-performing images or videos first to hook your audience.
  • Link to multiple landing pages to enhance the level of personalization for users.
  • Gain further insights on carousel ad specifications.

A Collection ad offers a mobile window-shopping experience where readers can effortlessly browse your product lineup with a single tap. Collection ads can be seen as a more sophisticated version of carousel ads, as both display your product offerings. Still, Collection ads provide greater customization options and occupy the entire screen.

Collection ads are particularly suitable for extensive online stores, while companies that offer a limited range of products or services may find other alternatives more advantageous.

Effective strategies for Collection ads:

  • Allow Facebook algorithms to determine which products from your catalogue should be displayed to each specific user.
  • Ensure your catalogue contains a diverse range of products, providing Facebook with ample options for selection.
  • Choose a captivating image that grabs peopleโ€™s attention and entices them to click on the ad.
  • Familiarise yourself with the specifications specific to Collection ads.

Before starting work on ads on Facebook, it is important to know what the Ads Manager is. This tool is your starting point for running ads on Facebook along with Messenger or Audience Network and even Instagram. The all-in-one Ads Manager is a great tool for creating ads, managing them, and tracking how your campaigns perform. You can get the app for iOS and Android and have the power to create and edit ads, track their performance, and manage ad budgets and schedules.

The brand-new advertising platform is designed to help you achieve your business goals effectively. Our comprehensive campaign management features give you full control over your ad creative, copy, and device optimization. Letโ€™s dive into the key features:

Advertising Objectives: Define your advertising objective to align with your business goals and track your progress effectively.

Audience Targeting: Fine-tune your target audience to ensure smarter ad targeting. Whether you prefer a broad reach or a well-defined audience, our platform offers the flexibility you need.

Budget Management: Set an overall budget for your campaigns and choose whether it applies to each day or the entire campaign duration. Stay in control of your ad spending effortlessly.

Multi-App Reach: Extend your ads across Facebookโ€™s extensive family of apps and services. Our automatic placements maximise flexibility, allowing our delivery system to optimise your results.

Campaign Optimization: Easily adjust your campaign settings, including budget, audience, placement options, and creative elements. Make edits individually or in bulk, and pause, duplicate, or relaunch campaigns at any time.

Dynamic Creative: Enhance performance with personalised ads through dynamic creative. By combining ad components like images, videos, and text in optimal ways, we deliver engaging content tailored to your audiences.

A/B Testing: Run A/B tests to determine the most effective target audience, delivery optimization, placements, creative, or product sets for your ad campaigns. Make data-driven decisions to optimise your results.

Real-Time Insights: Gain valuable real-time insights into your ad performance with our robust reporting tools. Spot trends over time and identify areas for improvement, such as images, budget allocation, or audience targeting, to enhance campaign performance.

Experience the power of our advertising platform and unleash the potential of your campaigns. Sign up now to take your advertising to new heights!

The most straightforward way to create Facebook ads is through your Facebook Page. Simply click on the Promote button, and you can initiate the process of promoting your brand and products. While not all ads can be created from your Facebook Page, the following types can be generated:

  • Boosted posts
  • Page Likes ads
  • Website Visitors ads
  • Website Purchases ads
  • Automated ads
  • Lead ads
  • Event ads

When advertising on Meta technologies such as Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, or the Meta Audience Network, you have the flexibility to determine your advertising expenditure. Meta aims to maximise the results you receive within the specified budget. Whether you choose to allocate $5 per week or $50,000 per week, itโ€™s entirely up to you.

Please note that certain advanced ad formats may have minimum spending requirements, and you will be notified of these during the creation process.

The concept of cost can be understood in two ways:

Overall expenditure: This refers to the total amount spent on advertising.

Cost per result: This relates to the expense incurred for each achieved outcome.

To manage your overall expenditure, you can control your budget. Likewise, you can regulate the cost per result by defining your bid strategy. If youโ€™re unsure about bidding, we can automatically handle it for you, aiming to evenly distribute your budget throughout your ad campaign. Furthermore, we provide additional measures to ensure that you donโ€™t exceed your desired spending limit:

Campaign spending limit: This allows you to set the maximum amount you are willing to spend on a specific advertising campaign.

Account spending limit: This enables you to establish an upper threshold for your total expenditure across all your campaigns.

In analysing the expenses associated with Facebook Ads, it is important to start by determining the average CPM (Cost Per Mile or cost per 1,000 impressions).

Over the past five years, the average Facebook Ads CPM has fluctuated between $11.2 in 2017 and $14.9 in 2021. These figures represent an average value across various industries and locations.

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was significant volatility in 2020, with the rate dropping by 30% in March, decreasing from $11.5 in February to $8.82 a month later.

When considering the cost of generating specific actions associated with mobile apps, such as in-app purchases, subscriptions, or registrations, app marketers and brands need to consider this a critical factor in their return on investment (ROI) calculations.

The rates for generating actions through Facebook Ads can vary significantly across different industries. Numerous factors influence the rate within a particular business vertical, including competition levels, user engagement with ads representing products and services from diverse industries on Facebook, and, most importantly, the pricing of the products and services being advertised. Consequently, it is not surprising that the Facebook Ad CPA for the Auto industry costs $44 per action, while the Education industry has a significantly lower CPA of only $8.

The cost of advertising on Facebook is not fixed and depends on various factors. These factors include:

Audience targeting: Narrowly targeting your ads to a specific audience usually incurs higher costs than a broader audience.

Ad placement: The costs may vary between ads displayed on Facebook and those shown on Instagram.

Campaign duration: The length of your campaign can impact the overall cost.

Competitiveness of your industry: Certain industries are more competitive in ad space, leading to higher costs, especially for products or shows with higher value.

Time of year: Ad costs can fluctuate during seasons, holidays, or industry-specific events.

Time of day: On average, the cost per click (CPC) tends to be lowest between midnight and 6 am in any time zone.

Location: Average ad costs differ significantly between countries.

To manage Facebook ad costs effectively, selecting the right campaign objective is crucial.

Each objective has its cost-per-click benchmarks. The five primary campaign objectives to choose from are:

  • Conversions
  • Impressions
  • Reach
  • Link clicks
  • Lead generation

The average cost-per-click varies depending on the specific campaign objective. For example, an impressions campaign objective may have an average cost of $1.85 per click, while a conversion campaign goal may have an average price of $0.87 per click.

Choosing the appropriate campaign objective is essential for achieving your goals while controlling costs.

Facebook offers a multitude of advantages for advertisers, including a large user base, data-driven audience segments, and effective ad formats. The average Facebook user interacts with 12 ads every month, and a significant 78% of U.S. consumers have made purchases based on discoveries made on Facebook. To maximize your results, take advantage of the improved reporting features on Facebook.

Make use of reporting figures

While iOS and other privacy updates have caused disruptions in Facebookโ€™s targeting and reporting ecosystem, the platform has been actively working on enhancements and solutions that you should leverage when optimizing your Facebook campaigns.

For instance, reintroducing the 28-day click attribution window is a valuable addition that provides more detailed insights and allows you to analyse your audienceโ€™s demographics within the ad account. Additionally, Facebookโ€™s Conversions API helps address gaps in pixel data caused by the deprecation of third-party cookies.

Be Patient with Ad Sets

When making changes to your Facebook ads, itโ€™s important to note that the algorithmic learning period is reset. Thus, itโ€™s advisable to avoid frequent tweaks or adjustments, especially during the initial stages of a campaign, to allow for effective optimization. This has always been a good practice, and itโ€™s even more crucial in 2023 and connecting with the right audience.

Keep a close eye on the delivery of your ad sets to ensure that your results improve over time. Stick to scaling at a rate of 20% every few days to maintain optimal performance. If you need to scale faster, consider duplicating the ad set to experiment with different strategies.

Use Various Placements & Formats

Take advantage of Facebookโ€™s diverse range of placements and formats to achieve better results. Strike a balance between image, video, and carousel ads to make the most of the high-performing placements available. If youโ€™re involved in e-commerce, consider utilising TikTok-style reel videos, as they can deliver outstanding performance. Be quick to embrace this trend before it becomes oversaturated.

As mentioned earlier, creativity will be crucial in setting yourself apart from competitors in 2023. Focus on creating engaging and unique executions. Take inspiration from popular content styles on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels. For example, include presenters interacting with the public, using trending sounds, and engaging in hashtag challenges. Act decisively to avoid missing out on these opportunities.

Opt for vertical videos

Make an impact within the first 3 seconds by highlighting your key message. Whether itโ€™s a new product, event details, a special offer, or a popular service, ensure itโ€™s showcased at the beginning of your video. To enhance brand recognition, include your logo or company name for a lasting impression.

To achieve the best results, consider the following tips:

  • Keep your ad copy concise, under 300 characters.
  • Place the copy near the centre of the video to fit within safe zones.
  • Add an emoji to the caption for extra appeal.

Give it a Face

Human presence is crucial in your videos as it helps potential customers connect with your business. Donโ€™t hesitate to feature yourself, a team member, a spokesperson, or even your customers to convey the story behind your brand.

Studies have shown that Reel ads featuring people had a 25% higher click-through rate than those without. Interestingly, campaigns with lower production value also achieved higher ad recall compared to campaigns with a higher production value. Therefore, focus less on achieving perfection and prioritise relatability to resonate with your audience.

Discover the ideal budget for your business

Facebook provides recommendations based on ads similar to yours, ensuring that youโ€™re well-informed when deciding how much to spend. Additionally, you have the flexibility to start, stop, or pause your ads at any time, giving you complete control over your advertising strategy.

If you spend time developing a rigid playbook, you confine yourself to proving that you are right rather than exploring, testing, and experimenting with your way towards success. Anyone presenting you with a playbook shares what worked in the past rather than guiding you towards future victories.

Instead of a playbook, what follows is a breakdown of the key elements we, at ATTN Agency, focus on to drive sustainable improvements in Facebook and Instagram ads, enabling us to achieve our clientsโ€™ overarching goals. You can apply these elements to your strategy.

Do Facebook Ads deliver results? Absolutely. You simply need to know which levers to push. Hereโ€™s how you can make Facebook Ads work for your brand in 2023.

Define Your Destination Before You Begin

Every business has unique goals, which will evolve based on the positioning of your business. Last year, many brands focused on acquisition at any cost. In the upcoming year, most brands will prioritise profitability above all else. Some brands concentrate on new customer acquisition, while others emphasise retention and loyalty.

Before delving into your strategy, ensure you know your revenue goal, growth objectives and how they align with channel key performance indicators (KPIs). Once you have this knowledge, you can hold channels accountable to specific targets.

Lead with Creative

The advent of iOS updates disrupted data integrity and our understanding of the customer journey. As a consequence, it eliminated the effectiveness of lazy marketing. Looking ahead, marketers cannot rely on a simple product flat-lay with a text overlay to drive engagement on Meta platforms.

To ensure that prospecting and pre-purchase retargeting ads resonate, brands need to prioritise performance-based storytelling that drives clicks rather than mere views. This doesnโ€™t mean relying solely on user-generated content as the go-to approach. Instead, it involves focusing on the fundamental principles of performance and growth marketing.

โ€œUglyโ€ Ads work

The C-Suite often seeks visually appealing creative assets, assuming that the more aesthetically pleasing an ad appears, the more thought and effort went into it. However, pretty ads do not necessarily yield strong conversions. Pretty ads are designed to showcase the graphic designerโ€™s talent rather than stimulate meaningful conversations or drive conversions.

โ€œUglyโ€ ads, on the other hand, perform better. They are crafted to feel organic, natural, and seamlessly integrated into the platform.

Prioritise Video, but Donโ€™t Overlook Statics

TikTokโ€™s emergence and rapid growth within the advertising landscape have compelled marketers to adopt a video-first advertising strategy. According to Meta, 91% of Instagram users watch Reels weekly.

With that said, maintaining a mix of images in your creative assets is essential since they drive engagement, and traditional feed posts still capture the majority of usersโ€™ attention. Ensure you have a diverse asset mix to cater to different audience preferences.

Learn from the performance of your ads. You can track metrics such as reactions, comments, shares, and clicks with each ad campaign to gauge audience engagement. Utilise these insights to enhance your future ad campaigns and achieve better results.

Focus on the first three seconds

Make an impact within the first 3 seconds by emphasising your key message. Whether itโ€™s a new product, event details, a special offer, or a popular service, ensure that it is prominently featured in the initial moments of your video. Including your logo or company name will make your business more memorable to viewers.

To optimise your outcomes, consider the following recommendations:

  • Keep your ad copy concise, with fewer than 300 characters.
  • Position the copy near the centre of the video to fit within safe zones.
  • Add an emoji in the caption to enhance its appeal.

Add Interest to Videos

Create videos that are entertaining, relatable, and easy to digest. Follow these three tips to keep your audience engaged:

  • Entertain: Pose questions to pique curiosity and encourage viewers to watch until the end.
  • Relate: Offer glimpses behind the scenes, showcasing the day-to-day operations of your business.
  • Digestible: Use clear text and audio to effectively convey your message.

Alongside, remember to:

  • Avoid the risk of presenting stretched-out and poorly displayed ads that fail to showcase your product effectively.
  • Ensure that your gy ads maintain their visual integrity by designing them according to the latest Facebook ad specifications.
  • Craft engaging ad copy to compel your audience.
  • Incorporating social proof, such as customer reviews or photos showcasing real people using your product, can have a remarkable impact on your ads.
  • Facebook advertising can be challenging, especially for newcomers. Donโ€™t worry if you donโ€™t achieve perfect results on your first attempt.

You can also get answers to other doubts and queries here.

Trends may come and go, but some aspects of Facebook will go big in the coming year. These are some of them:


Gender fluidity and the evolution of gender roles, symbols, and language will be prominent. According to Facebookโ€™s survey, nearly half of the respondents believe that traditional gender roles are becoming less relevant. This perspective is particularly strong among Gen Z and Millennials. As a result, there will be a greater emphasis on gender-neutral advertising, particularly in industries like makeup and fashion.

Cultural sensitivity in specific regions is crucial. For instance, discussions on colonialism have seen an 87% increase year-on-year in the UK. Additionally, 42% of respondents state that their nationality, ethnicity, country of origin, or race is now more important to their identity compared to a year ago. Facebook predicts that this upward trend will push major brands to prioritise diversity, inclusion, and respect for peopleโ€™s sensitivities more than ever before.

Celebrating individual identity, including sexuality, race, gender, and other aspects, will be significant. This important trend on Facebook suggests that more brands will openly support activism and collaborate with members of the communities they aim to represent.


Authenticity, sometimes referred to as โ€˜rawthenticity,โ€™ will be valued. This concept entails being true to oneself online, encompassing trends like body positivity that align with this theme. In 2023, the surge in authenticity will drive a shift towards representing โ€˜non-traditionalโ€™ standards in areas such as fashion, beauty, and beyond.

Accessibility and neurodiversity will remain essential trends on Facebook. A significant 69% of respondents express concerns about discrimination based on physical or mental disabilities. It is crucial to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities, such as providing captions for the deaf or hard of hearing. Implementing these accommodations is relatively simple and will enhance the quality of your content.


As the definition of a contemporary brand continues to evolve, people now perceive you as an integral part of the community, whether itโ€™s on a global, local, or digital scale. This offers a unique opportunity to make a meaningful contribution. Nowadays, individuals expect brands to have a clear sense of purpose and to uphold those values in everything they do, from adopting sustainable production practices to embracing inclusive marketing. Furthermore, people are increasingly receptive to brands that help them align their values with their purchasing decisions while ensuring affordability remains intact.


Target exemplifies the power of inclusive marketing and their commitment to the community. Through initiatives such as featuring products created by queer designers and establishing the Take Pride experience within Horizon Worlds, a virtual queer-affirming space, Target showcases how raising brand awareness can seamlessly intertwine with ongoing support and advocacy.

Avoid making assumptions about the effectiveness of your Facebook ads. Itโ€™s crucial to test new strategies and compare them to your previous ads to determine if youโ€™re achieving improvements in the metrics that matter to you the most. As best practices for Facebook ads constantly evolve, testing is the key to staying updated and understanding what works for your specific audience.

Social media marketers often have hectic schedules and never-ending to-do lists. However, there are ways to simplify your workflow. You can find alternatives that enable you to promote social media posts directly from your Hootsuite dashboard. You can seamlessly manage audience targeting, campaign spending, and duration by hiring the best marketing agency.

Streamlining your social marketing workflows and optimising your ad spend is also essential. You can amplify the reach of your most popular organic posts by boosting them to a broader audience. Create ad campaigns, monitor performance, and adjust to enhance your results. Additionally, generate comprehensive analytics reports later to evaluate which campaigns successfully met your goals.

While content marketing and SEO can enhance your websiteโ€™s rankings, neglecting investment in PPC can result in missed opportunities to reach numerous potential customers.

PPC stands as a cornerstone of successful digital marketing strategies for brands today. Furthermore, following a recent update in Google algorithms, paid ads now appear above organic results, providing a greater chance to engage with your target audience. Opting for PPC advertising opens up nearly limitless possibilities and allows you to experience an immediate return on investment while substantially expanding your client base.

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