Grow Online Traffic

8 Simple Ways to Exponentially Grow Website Traffic in 2024 - Featured image

8 Simple Ways to Exponentially Grow Website Traffic in 2024: A Blueprint for Business Owners

Table of Content

  1. Optimize For SEO
  2. Create Quality Content
  3. Use Social Media Effectively
  4. Email Marketing
  5. Guest Blogging
  6. Paid Advertising
  7. Host Webinars or Live sessions
  8. Encourage User-generated Content

Back in the day, if you asked a traditional brick-and-mortar business owner what they wanted most, their answer would likely be โ€œmore customers.โ€ Nowadays, if you pose the same question to an entrepreneur, their response would probably be โ€œmore traffic to their website.โ€œ

This is because your website now acts as your online storefront. Itโ€™s where your target audience can learn about your products or services, develop trust in your brand, and ultimately become leads and customers. However, shockingly, a whopping 61% of marketers say that generating traffic and leads is their greatest challenge.

Thatโ€™s precisely why weโ€™ve put together this article โ€“ to help business owners like you make the most of their websites. Youโ€™ve come to the right place!

We have compiled a list of proven ways that will help you generate more traffic and leads in 2024 and beyond! Hereโ€™s how you can do it: 

Keyword Research โ€“

Find Relevant Keywords:

This is like using a map to guide people to your content. You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to find the guiding words that your audience is looking for โ€“

find relevant keywords to target your audience.

Go for Longer Phrases or Questions:

Instead of single-word search terms, use longer phrases or questions. Itโ€™s like being the first to raise your hand when someone asks a question that you know the answer to.

Use Location-based Keywords โ€“

Location-based keywords can help you improve your SEM strategy in several ways. First, they can increase your relevance by matching your ads to the userโ€™s search intent and context. For example, if someone searches for โ€œpizza delivery near meโ€œ

If your business is a local one, using location-specific words is like hanging a sign outside your shop to attract nearby customers. 

On-Page SEO โ€“

On-page SEO categories infographics

Use a Strategic Title Tag:

Your title tag is like the title of a book. It should contain your primary keyword to tell search engines what your page is all about.

Craft a Catchy Meta Description:

This is like the summary on the back of a book. It should be short, exciting, and contain your keyword to attract readers.

Structure Your Content with Header Tags:

These are like chapter titles in a book. They help to organize your content and make it easier for both humans and search engines to understand.

Include Your Keyword Naturally:

Adding your keyword to your content is like adding seasoning to a dish. It should enhance the content without overpowering it.

Use Image Alt Text:

This is like a caption for your images. It helps people with visual impairments understand your content and gives search engines more information about your images.

Have a Mobile-Friendly Design:

In todayโ€™s world, everyone is on their phones. So, having a mobile-friendly design is like having a shop thatโ€™s open to all types of customers. Make sure your website looks good and works well on mobile devices.

Quality Content โ€“

Value, Information, Engagement:

Think of your content as a chat with your audience. You want to give them useful info like a good friend, keep them interested with cool facts, and make sure they get something meaningful out of the conversation.

Balance Between Keywords and Readability:

Using keywords is like seasoning your food. You want enough to make it tasty (good for SEO), but not too much that it becomes hard to eat (hard to read). Find a happy medium so your readers can enjoy your content.

Implement Internal Linking โ€“

implementation of internal linking example

This is like giving your visitors a map of your website. Think of your site as a museum, and the internal links are the arrows guiding your visitors from one exhibit (page) to another.

Implement External Linking โ€“

implementation of external linking example

External links are like quoting experts in your essay. When you link to trusted and authoritative sources, it shows your readers that youโ€™ve done your research, and it makes your content more credible. 

Structure URL clearly โ€“

URLs are like house addresses. A short and clear URL is like a street sign thatโ€™s easy to read for both search engines and users. If you can, include your keywordโ€”itโ€™s like adding the house number to the sign, making it easier to find.

Integrate with Social Media โ€“

Intergrate with social media

This is like telling your readers, โ€œHey, do you find this informational? Why donโ€™t you share it with your buddies?โ€ Having share buttons on your content encourages your readers to spread the word and helps your content reach more people.

Optimize Images โ€“

Compress for Speed:

Compressing images is like packing your suitcase efficiently before a trip. It helps your website load faster, giving your visitors a smooth and enjoyable experience. Remember your image should not exceed the size of 100 kb. 

Descriptive File Names and Alt Tags:

Think of these like captions in a photo album. Descriptive names and tags help search engines understand your images and also tell the story of the image to those who canโ€™t see them.

Optimize Page Load Speed โ€“

Imagine your website as a book. Page load speed is like flipping through pages effortlessly. When your site loads quickly, itโ€™s a smooth reading experience for your visitors. This keeps them engaged and makes search engines happy, boosting your overall visibility. A good page loading time is 0-2 seconds, and 3 seconds is still acceptable. If it takes more than 3 seconds, visitors may leave your website.

Make Responsive Design โ€“

Think of your blog post as a flexible recipe that adapts to different kitchen sizes. Responsive design ensures your content looks appealing, whether someone is reading it on a big computer screen or a tiny smartphone. Itโ€™s like making sure your dish suits any plate.

Create Sitemap โ€“

Consider your sitemap as a table of contents for a book. When you submit it to search engines, itโ€™s like handing them a guide to your content. This helps them find and understand your pages better, making your website more accessible in search results. 

Provide a Smooth User Experience (UX) โ€“

Think of your website as a well-organized store. A clean and easy-to-navigate design is like arranging products on shelves. Visitors can find what theyโ€™re looking for without frustration. Itโ€™s about creating a pleasant shopping experience in the online world.

Ensure a Secure Connection โ€“

Picture your website as a secure vault. An SSL certificate is like a lock, ensuring that the information exchanged between your site and your visitors remains confidential. Itโ€™s about creating a trustworthy environment for online interactions. 

Monitor Analytics โ€“

Imagine running a lemonade stand. Google Analytics is like a magic lemonade recipe book. It helps you understand what ingredients (content, marketing efforts) work best, allowing you to make informed decisions and improve your lemonade recipe over time.

Encourage Comments โ€“

Encouraging comments is like hosting a gathering. When people share their thoughts, itโ€™s a conversation. Responding to comments is like being a gracious host, making your online space more interactive and community-driven.

Utilize Schema Markup โ€“

Think of schema markup as adding labels to your content. Itโ€™s like telling search engines not just what your content says but what it means. This helps search engines better understand and present your information in more relevant ways.

Update Old Content โ€“

Consider your blog posts as potted plants. Regularly updating old content is like watering them. It keeps them fresh and vibrant, ensuring they remain appealing and relevant to your audience.

Build Backlinks โ€“

build backlinks image

Imagine your website as a library, and each backlink is like a recommendation from a trusted friend. Backlink building involves developing a strategy to have other reputable websites link to your content. These โ€œrecommendationsโ€ increase your siteโ€™s credibility and improve its visibility in search engines.

Social Media Promotion โ€“

Picture your blog post as a blockbuster movie. Social media promotion is like announcing its release on different platforms. Share your content across various social media channels to reach a wider audience. Itโ€™s about creating a buzz and making your content visible in the vast landscape of social networks.

Local SEO Optimization โ€“

local SEO near me searches images

Use Location-Specific Keywords:

Think of your content as a signpost on a busy street. If your business is location-specific, including local keywords is like putting your address on the sign. It helps potential customers nearby find your content more easily.

Submit to Local Directories:

Envision local directories as community bulletin boards. Submitting your site to high-quality local directories is like pinning your business card to these boards. It increases your visibility in the local community and makes it easier for locals to discover your services.

Participate in Local Events:

Imagine your business as a friendly neighbour. Participating in local community events is like attending neighbourhood gatherings. It not only increases your local presence but also fosters a sense of community awareness and support. 

You May Also Like: Looking for an in-depth guide on boosting traffic with SEO optimization? Check out our comprehensive article!

factors to create quality content infographic

Define Your Audience โ€“

Think of your content as a tailored suit. Defining your target audience is like taking measurements to ensure a perfect fit. By understanding who youโ€™re creating content for, you can address their specific needs and interests, creating a personalized and impactful experience.

Educational Content โ€“

Imagine your content as a guidebook in a complex world. Educational content is like providing a map, helping your audience navigate industry trends, adopt best practices, and stay updated on relevant topics. Itโ€™s a constant journey of learning and empowering your audience with valuable knowledge.

Refresh Outdated Content โ€“

Think of your content as a garden that needs tending. Refreshing outdated content is like planting new seeds. It keeps your information current and vibrant, ensuring it remains a valuable resource that grows with the changing landscape of your industry. Itโ€™s about staying relevant and providing up-to-date information.

Solving Customer Problems โ€“

Envision your content as a toolbox. Creating content that solves customer problems is like adding essential tools. Itโ€™s about providing practical solutions to common challenges and becoming a go-to resource for your audience. By addressing their pain points, you establish yourself as a trusted problem-solver.

Engaging Headlines โ€“

Imagine your content as a book on a shelf. Engaging headlines are like intriguing book titles that make you reach for the story. Craft headlines that grab attention and encourage your audience to click, discover, and delve into the content youโ€™ve crafted. Itโ€™s about captivating their curiosity and enticing them to explore further.

Use Visual Content โ€“

Incorporating visually appealing elements is like adding spices to a dishโ€”it enhances the overall experience. Use images, infographics, and videos to make your content informative, visually engaging, and memorable. Itโ€™s about creating a visually captivating journey for your audience. Using eye-catching visuals in your landing pages, blog posts, and testimonial sites is a fantastic way to attract more visitors and create interest.

You May Also Like: Want to master the art of generating traffic through quality content? Our complete article has got you covered! 

Strategic Platform Selection โ€“

Identify the social media platforms that align with your target audience. Not all platforms may be equally effective for every business. Choose the ones where your audience is most active.

Optimized Posting Schedule โ€“

Understand the peak times when your audience is most active on social media. Schedule your posts for optimal visibility and engagement.

Leverage Visual Content โ€“

Capitalize on the power of infographics. Use eye-catching, infographics, and videos to make your content more shareable and appealing.  It will help in creating a content-rich experience. 

what should you use infographics?

Engage with Your Audience โ€“

Social media is a two-way street. Respond promptly to comments, messages, and mentions. Engaging with your audience fosters a sense of community and loyalty.

Utilize Hashtags Strategically โ€“

Hashtags on social media show followers and algorithms that your content relates to a specific topic, making it easier for users to find relevant content across platforms. Research and use relevant hashtags to broaden the reach of your content. However, avoid excessive or unrelated hashtags.

Collaborate with Influencers โ€“

Partner with influencers or thought leaders in your industry. Their endorsement can introduce your brand to a wider audience and enhance credibility. Collaborating with influencers is a strategic move that not only expands your market presence but also supports the Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness of your brand. HubSpot discovered that back in 2023, about one out of every four marketers collaborated with influencers, making it a pretty popular marketing strategy.

Monitor Analytics and Adjust โ€“

Regularly analyze social media analytics to understand what works best. Adjust your strategy based on the performance of your posts, campaigns, and overall engagement.

Paid Advertising โ€“

Explore paid advertising on social media platforms to widen your audience. By targeting specific demographics, you ensure that your content gets the correct people. This strategic approach helps maximize your online existence and link with the audience most likely to engage with your content.

Post Stories and Go Live โ€“

Engage your audience in real-time conversations. Stories and live sessions provide a dynamic platform where you can share insights, answer questions, and connect with your audience on a personal level. Itโ€™s like inviting them to a live discussion, fostering a sense of community. 

Share Blog Content Effectively โ€“

When sharing blog posts, craft attention-grabbing captions and utilize eye-catching visuals. Direct traffic from social media to your website for increased engagement.

Join Relevant Groups and Communities โ€“

Participate in groups and communities related to your industry or niche. Engage in conversations, share insights, and subtly promote your content where appropriate.

join relevant groups & communities images

Adapt Content for Each Platform โ€“

Tailor your content for each social media platform. What works on Instagram may not work the same way on LinkedIn. Customize your approach based on the platformโ€™s unique audience and features.

Stay Updated on Social Media Trends โ€“

Social media is dynamic. Stay informed about the latest trends and features on each platform. Incorporate trending elements into your strategy for fresh and relevant content.

Encourage Social Sharing on Your Website โ€“

Integrate social sharing buttons on your website. Make it easy for visitors to share your blog posts and other content across their social networks.

encourage social sharing on your website

Measure Return on Investment (ROI) โ€“

Evaluate the effectiveness of your social media efforts by measuring ROI. Track conversions, website traffic, and other relevant metrics to assess the impact of your social media strategy on your business goals.

Educate and Entertain โ€“

Balance promotional content with educational and entertaining posts. Providing value beyond product or service promotion keeps your audience engaged and interested.

Adapt to Algorithm Changes โ€“

Social media algorithms are dynamic. Stay flexible and adapt your strategy as platforms update their algorithms. Understanding these changes can help you maintain visibility and engagement.

Encourage User-generated Content โ€“

Showcase content created by your audience. This practice not only expresses sincere acknowledgement and appreciation for your customers but also plays a pivotal role in constructing a tightly-knit community with them. By featuring user-generated content, you create an interactive and engaging environment that resonates positively with your audience, reinforcing the bonds of trust and loyalty.

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step by step funnel of email marketing infographic

Build a Targeted Email List โ€“

Imagine your email list as a guest list for a special event. Building a targeted email list is like inviting people who genuinely want to be there. These are individuals interested in what you offer, ensuring that your emails reach an audience already open to your products or services.

Segment Your Email List โ€“

Picture your email list as a library with different sections for various genres. Segmenting your email list is like organizing books based on reader preferences. It allows you to send tailored emails to specific groups, ensuring each audience segment receives content that resonates with their interests.

Optimize Email Subject Lines โ€“

Consider your email subject line as the cover of a book. Optimizing it is like crafting a captivating headline that makes you want to open the book. A well-crafted subject line grabs attention, encouraging recipients to open your emails and discover valuable content.

Personalize Email Content โ€“

Envision your email as a personalized letter from a friend. Personalizing email content is like addressing each recipient by name and tailoring the message to their interests. It creates a connection, making the content more relevant and increasing engagement.

Use Clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs) โ€“

Think of your email as a roadmap, and the CTA is the sign pointing the way. Using clear CTAs is like placing clear road signs, guiding recipients on what action to take next. Whether itโ€™s clicking a link, making a purchase, or downloading a resource, a clear CTA simplifies the journey for your audience.

Mobile-Optimized Emails โ€“

Imagine your email as a perfectly fit outfit. Mobile-optimized emails are like tailoring that outfit to fit various body types. Since many people open emails on smartphones, ensuring your emails look and function well on mobile devices enhances the overall experience for your audience.

Create Engaging Newsletters โ€“

Think of your newsletter as a curated magazine. Creating engaging newsletters is like filling each issue with not just ads but valuable articles, updates, and insights. Itโ€™s about offering a complete experience that keeps subscribers informed, entertained, and eagerly anticipating the next issue.

Integrate Email with Website Content โ€“

Envision your email and website as chapters of the same story. Integrating email with website content is like ensuring that each chapter seamlessly connects. Your email campaigns should complement the content on your website, creating a unified and consistent brand experience for your audience.

Identify Relevant Blogs โ€“

Discover blogs in your industry or niche that align with your target audience. Guest blogging on relevant platforms increases the chances of reaching an audience interested in your products or services.

Build Relationships with Blog Owners โ€“

Establish connections with blog owners and editors before pitching your guest post. Building relationships can enhance your chances of securing guest blogging opportunities and foster long-term collaborations.

Pitch Unique and Relevant Topics โ€“

Tailor your guest post pitches to each blog and propose unique, relevant topics that align with the blogโ€™s content. A well-crafted pitch increases the likelihood of your submission being accepted.

Follow Guest Posting Guidelines โ€“

Respect and adhere to the guidelines provided by the host blog. This includes word count, formatting, and any specific requirements. Following guidelines ensures a smooth collaboration and improves the chances of your post being published.

Include Author Bio and Backlinks โ€“

Utilize the author bio section to introduce yourself and provide relevant information about your expertise. Include backlinks to your website; this not only directs traffic to your site but also boosts your websiteโ€™s Search Engine Optimization (SEO), improving its visibility on search engines like Google. Itโ€™s a simple yet effective way to strengthen your online presence and establish credibility.

Use Google Ads to Get Noticed โ€“

Did you know that Google Shopping Ads are responsible for generating a whopping 85.3% of clicks? So you must take advantage of Google Ads to pop up at the top of search results by bidding on related keywords. This way, users who are looking for what you offer are sure to see you.

use Google ads to get noticed

Try Out Social Media Ads โ€“

Think about putting money into social media ads on places like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter. Social media ads let you pick your audience based on things like age, likes, and habits.

banisoft social media ads

Show Off with Display Advertising โ€“

Try display advertising to show off picture ads on websites your audience likes. This method makes your brand more visible and works really well for products that look good in photos.

banisoft display advertising ads

Get Creative with Video Advertising โ€“

Use video advertising on platforms like YouTube or other video-heavy sites. Video ads can grab attention and get your message across in a fun way.

banisoft video advertising ads

Retarget to Win Back Visitors โ€“

Set up retargeting campaigns to win back users who visited your site but didnโ€™t buy anything. Show them targeted ads to remind them of your products as they check out other sites. 

Go Natural with Native Advertising โ€“

Native ads fit seamlessly with the siteโ€™s content, creating a smooth advertising experience. Try native advertising to reach your audience without being too in-your-face. Native advertising statistics indicate that it is regarded as the least nosy type of advertising.

banisoft native advertising ads

Automate with Programmatic Advertising โ€“

Use programmatic advertising to automate the process of buying ad spaces. This method uses tech to optimize targeting and make your advertising campaigns more efficient.

Get Seen Instantly with Paid Search Ads โ€“

Use paid search ads to pop up instantly on search engine results pages. This method works well when you need immediate traffic or want to promote special offers or events.

Make Your Ad Copy Click-Worthy โ€“

Write an ad copy that makes users want to click. A well-made ad copy increases the click-through rate, driving more users to your site.

Try Out Different Ad Formats โ€“

Play around with different ad formats, visuals, and creatives. Test different elements to see what your audience likes best and fine-tune your advertising strategy.

Spend Based on Success โ€“

Look at how different advertising channels are doing and adjust your budget accordingly. Put more money into channels that give a higher return on investment (ROI) to make the most of your advertising money.

Keep a Close Eye on Campaigns โ€“

Stay on top of your advertising campaigns by watching them in real time. Make changes based on how theyโ€™re doing to get better results and make sure your money is well-spent.

Make Sure Your Landing Page is On Point โ€“

Make sure to send paid traffic to landing pages that match the ad. A smooth transition from ad to landing page makes for a better user experience and increases the chance of sales.

banisoft landing page design format

Stay Up-to-Date on Ad Policies โ€“

Keep up with changes in advertising policies on platforms. Changes in ad policies can affect your campaigns, so staying informed means you can avoid potential problems.

Keep Track of Important Metricsโ€“

Keep an eye on important metrics like conversion rates, cost per click (CPC), and return on ad spend (ROAS). These metrics can tell you how well your paid advertising is doing.

benefits of hosting webinars & live sessions

Chat Up a Storm in Real-Time โ€“

Get talking with your audience as it happens. Webinars and live sessions are a fun way for you to share cool stuff, answer questions, and get to know your audience better. Itโ€™s like having a lively group chat, which helps everyone feel more connected.

Boost Visibility and Reach โ€“

Social media sites love live content and show it off more. By doing webinars and live sessions, youโ€™re using this to help make your brand more visible. Itโ€™s like putting up a massive sign in the busiest part of town โ€” more people will see and interact with what youโ€™re doing.

Give Your Content a Second Life โ€“

Donโ€™t let your content fade away. Webinars and live sessions can be recorded and used again later. Itโ€™s like making a photo album of a live event to look back on. You can share these recordings on your social media to keep people interested.

Become the Go-To Expert โ€“

Show off what you know. Hosting live sessions lets you share your expertise, answer questions, and build trust with your audience. Itโ€™s like being the townโ€™s expert everyone goes to, which helps build your credibility and authority.

share user generated content infograhics

Turn Your Followers into Storytellers โ€“

Picture this: your audience becoming the writers of your brandโ€™s story. By asking for user-generated content, youโ€™re making your social media followers the stars of the show, adding their touch to your brandโ€™s tale.

Make it a Group Project โ€“

Get your audience in on the fun of creating content. Inviting them to contribute is like turning your followers into team members. Ask them to share pictures, videos, or tales about your brand, making an exciting and active community.

Keep it Real and Relatable โ€“

Bring your brand to life with user-generated content. When your audience shares their stories, it adds realness to your brand. Itโ€™s like getting thumbs-up from actual people, making your brand feel more down-to-earth.

Spread the Word Through Shares โ€“

Use your audienceโ€™s social circles to your benefit. When they make content about your brand, itโ€™s like having cheerleaders spreading the word about you. Get them to share, and watch your brand reach new people through the connections of your active followers.

Turn Up the Engagement and Interaction โ€“

Crank up the buzz on social media. Getting your audience to make content is like striking up a chat. When your audience jumps in, it starts a conversation, makes things more interactive, and keeps your social media pages lively.

Share Different Voices and Views โ€“

Celebrate the different voices in your audience. User-generated content brings in a variety of viewpoints and experiences, weaving together a tapestry of stories. Itโ€™s like throwing a big party where everyoneโ€™s story is heard and appreciated. 

Boost Your Website Traffic Today

Follow these proven steps that we use with our esteemed customers to achieve victory. While results may not be immediate, implementing these strategies can gradually increase your website traffic. 

Stay committed by exploring different approaches and evaluating the outcomes.

generating more traffic image

Best Blogging Alternatives for Generating More Traffic

The term blog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web. It comprises discrete, often informal diary-style text entries. And while blogging is fantastic, you can help you get new visitors and showcase your expertise โ€” some people are not fans of blogging.

Thereโ€™s nothing wrong with increasing brand awareness via blogging โ€” instead, it is highly suggested, but if you are not a fan of writing โ€” or your audience is not a fan of reading, what do you do? What are the blogging alternatives?

Many donโ€™t feel confident to write and honestly donโ€™t have the time to commit to blogging on a daily or weekly basis! So do you lose out on traffic and valuable clientele because of this? NO!

Blogging is no longer the go-to source for kicking up a websiteโ€™s marketing efforts. If you are looking for a solution to establish your brand, tell your story, showcase your expertise without using too many words โ€” there are plenty of options available. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the coolest alternatives to blogging:

Graphs, designs & infographics are the way of the future. Many websites exclusively use infographics in their social media marketing strategies. This holds especially true for real estate agents that produce content exclusively about the real estate market at large.

The latest research of 2020 supports this fact. It states that almost 67% of B2B marketers are creating infographics. In a recent survey, 32% of marketers say visual images are an essential form of content for their business. 33% of the marketers surveyed reported that infographics and similar visual assets are the most critical content in their arsenal. 

With a wealth of information and statistics available to create graphics that tell a story, you don’t need blogging! Infographics can help you, and your clients make smart decisions โ€” as long as this information is given in clear, easily consumed graphics. 

According to a recent study, 71% of the world’s web users share content online, and 43% share images. So it can be safely said that images are the most shared type of online content. 

Let’s have a look at Facebook, which ranks in the top 3 social media channels. The study reveals that posts with images get 53% more likes than posts without. This holds in the case of other channels, too, that attracted 104% more comments than the average post. 

The simple reason for photos gaining momentum and more traction is that images are quicker and easier to create than a blog post while still providing value. 

Pictures and images also tend to get indexed by search engines too so they can be great for search engine optimization.  

According to, 25% of all businesses use video as a marketing tool. 75& executives watch work-related videos online, and at least 80% of website visitors will watch a video compared to only 20% who will read the full text.

 And videos today are getting shorter and more dynamic โ€” and a cool blogging alternative! Take the example of fantastic apps like Twitter’s Vine that have a six-second maximum clip length. These videos have dramatically increased the opportunities for small businesses on a limited budget to get all the benefits of creating videos. 

Additional research further supports that videos are only expected to grow in the coming years. 

Podcasting is regarded as a cool alternative to blogging, provided you have the technical know-how required to get a podcast up and running is minimal. For those who are not familiar with the concept of podcasting, this is a periodic audio release featuring one or more people talking about a specific topic. 

It could be a business or food coach who can have a weekly podcast on nutrition/ business growth โ€” depending on the speaker. So in simple terms, a podcast can cover a wide range of related matters. 

One of the biggest boons of the internet is sharing and getting free giveaways. And that’s why you donโ€™t even need to create content for a blog! All you have to do is lookout for the best ones โ€” useful blogs, social media, and articles produced by others. Then borrow or curate it into a regular post on your website or newsletter.  

You’ve seen a lot of fitness coaches do it during the pandemic! They had live streaming sessions to help distressed people who couldn’t hit the gym. Streaming live is a budget-friendly option that can be used to repurpose other content too.

There’s no real need for a blog with the most accessible tools available for recording videos and voice files. Just have a quick interview with your audience, speaker, or eminent influencer โ€” then edit the same and use it on your social media or web page. 

The idea is to share your knowledge and help others gain from it. So why do you need a blog? You can have a chatbot or a FAQ or even a Q&A session listed online. The session could be in โ€œmailbagโ€ format, to which you can respond. For example, these may be common questions you get by email. 

A fun way to share your achievements without seeming to brag is through success stories. You can do it from a client’s perspective, or you can share it from their sources. A success story is great news content without following the standard blog format. 

For any company, case studies form the backbone of its success. The idea is to repackage your experiences into case studies with a clear lesson; you will have valuable new content for attracting leads.  

This is like a collage of your social media posts. Sometimes, putting together a gif or a meme by repurposing content works wonders. 

A great way to have traction on your website or platform is through competitions. You can have some great coupons or gifts up for grabs. 

Who doesn’t love a good riddle? Tap the audience’s curiosity by using riddles to get the audience’s attention!

 These are some of the effective blogging alternatives to get traction without writing too much content. Try it!  

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